Source code for pyquil.api._qpu

# Copyright 2016-2018 Rigetti Computing
#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#    You may obtain a copy of the License at
#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#    limitations under the License.
from dataclasses import dataclass
import uuid
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union, cast

import numpy as np
from qcs_api_client.client import QCSClientConfiguration
from rpcq.messages import ParameterAref, ParameterSpec

from pyquil.api import QuantumExecutable, EncryptedProgram, EngagementManager

from pyquil._memory import Memory
from pyquil.api._qam import QAM, QAMExecutionResult
from pyquil.api._qpu_client import GetBuffersRequest, QPUClient, BufferResponse, RunProgramRequest
from pyquil.quilatom import (

def decode_buffer(buffer: BufferResponse) -> np.ndarray:
    Translate a DataBuffer into a numpy array.

    :param buffer: Dictionary with 'data' byte array, 'dtype', and 'shape' fields
    :return: NumPy array of decoded data
    buf = np.frombuffer(, dtype=buffer.dtype)  # type: ignore
    return buf.reshape(buffer.shape)  # type: ignore

def _extract_memory_regions(
    memory_descriptors: Dict[str, ParameterSpec],
    ro_sources: Dict[MemoryReference, str],
    buffers: Dict[str, np.ndarray],
) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]:

    # hack to extract num_shots indirectly from the shape of the returned data
    first, *rest = buffers.values()
    num_shots = first.shape[0]

    def alloc(spec: ParameterSpec) -> np.ndarray:
        dtype = {
            "BIT": np.int64,
            "INTEGER": np.int64,
            "REAL": np.float64,
            "FLOAT": np.float64,
            return np.ndarray((num_shots, spec.length), dtype=dtype[spec.type])
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError(f"Unexpected memory type {spec.type}.")

    regions: Dict[str, np.ndarray] = {}

    for mref, key in ro_sources.items():
        # Translation sometimes introduces ro_sources that the user didn't ask for.
        # That's fine, we just ignore them.
        if not in memory_descriptors:
        elif not in regions:
            regions[] = alloc(memory_descriptors[])

        buf = buffers[key]
        if buf.ndim == 1:
            buf = buf.reshape((num_shots, 1))

        if np.iscomplexobj(buf):  # type: ignore
            buf = np.column_stack((buf.real, buf.imag))  # type: ignore
        _, width = buf.shape

        end = mref.offset + width
        region_width = memory_descriptors[].length
        if end > region_width:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Attempted to fill {}[{mref.offset}, {end})"
                f"but the declared region has width {region_width}."

        regions[][:, mref.offset : end] = buf

    return regions

class QPUExecuteResponse:
    job_id: str
    _executable: EncryptedProgram

[docs]class QPU(QAM[QPUExecuteResponse]): def __init__( self, *, quantum_processor_id: str, priority: int = 1, timeout: float = 10.0, client_configuration: Optional[QCSClientConfiguration] = None, engagement_manager: Optional[EngagementManager] = None, endpoint_id: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """ A connection to the QPU. :param quantum_processor_id: Processor to run against. :param priority: The priority with which to insert jobs into the QPU queue. Lower integers correspond to higher priority. :param timeout: Time limit for requests, in seconds. :param client_configuration: Optional client configuration. If none is provided, a default one will be loaded. :param endpoint_id: Optional endpoint ID to be used for engagement. :param engagement_manager: Optional engagement manager. If none is provided, a default one will be created. """ super().__init__() self.priority = priority client_configuration = client_configuration or QCSClientConfiguration.load() engagement_manager = engagement_manager or EngagementManager(client_configuration=client_configuration) self._qpu_client = QPUClient( quantum_processor_id=quantum_processor_id, endpoint_id=endpoint_id, engagement_manager=engagement_manager, request_timeout=timeout, ) self._last_results: Dict[str, np.ndarray] = {} self._memory_results: Dict[str, Optional[np.ndarray]] = defaultdict(lambda: None) @property def quantum_processor_id(self) -> str: """ID of quantum processor targeted.""" return self._qpu_client.quantum_processor_id
[docs] def execute(self, executable: QuantumExecutable) -> QPUExecuteResponse: """ Enqueue a job for execution on the QPU. Returns a ``QPUExecuteResponse``, a job descriptor which should be passed directly to ``QPU.get_result`` to retrieve results. """ executable = executable.copy() assert isinstance( executable, EncryptedProgram ), "QPU#execute requires an rpcq.EncryptedProgram. Create one with QuantumComputer#compile" assert ( executable.ro_sources is not None ), "To run on a QPU, a program must include ``MEASURE``, ``CAPTURE``, and/or ``RAW-CAPTURE`` instructions" request = RunProgramRequest( id=str(uuid.uuid4()), priority=self.priority, program=executable.program, patch_values=self._build_patch_values(executable), ) job_id = self._qpu_client.run_program(request).job_id return QPUExecuteResponse(_executable=executable, job_id=job_id)
[docs] def get_result(self, execute_response: QPUExecuteResponse) -> QAMExecutionResult: """ Retrieve results from execution on the QPU. """ request = GetBuffersRequest(job_id=execute_response.job_id, wait=True) results = self._qpu_client.get_execution_results(request) ro_sources = execute_response._executable.ro_sources decoded_buffers = {k: decode_buffer(v) for k, v in results.buffers.items()} result_memory = {} if decoded_buffers is not None: extracted = _extract_memory_regions( execute_response._executable.memory_descriptors, ro_sources, decoded_buffers ) for name, array in extracted.items(): result_memory[name] = array elif not ro_sources: result_memory["ro"] = np.zeros((0, 0), dtype=np.int64) return QAMExecutionResult( executable=execute_response._executable, readout_data=result_memory, execution_duration_microseconds=results.execution_duration_microseconds, )
@classmethod def _build_patch_values(cls, program: EncryptedProgram) -> Dict[str, List[Union[int, float]]]: """ Construct the patch values from the program to be used in execution. """ patch_values = {} # Now that we are about to run, we have to resolve any gate parameter arithmetic that was # saved in the executable's recalculation table, and add those values to the variables shim cls._update_memory_with_recalculation_table(program=program) # Initialize our patch table assert isinstance(program, EncryptedProgram) recalculation_table = program.recalculation_table memory_ref_names = list(set( for mr in recalculation_table.keys())) if memory_ref_names: assert len(memory_ref_names) == 1, ( "We expected only one declared memory region for " "the gate parameter arithmetic replacement references." ) memory_reference_name = memory_ref_names[0] patch_values[memory_reference_name] = [0.0] * len(recalculation_table) for name, spec in program.memory_descriptors.items(): # NOTE: right now we fake reading out measurement values into classical memory # hence we omit them here from the patch table. if any(name == for mref in program.ro_sources): continue initial_value = 0.0 if spec.type == "REAL" else 0 patch_values[name] = [initial_value] * spec.length # Fill in our patch table for k, v in program._memory.values.items(): patch_values[][k.index] = v return patch_values @classmethod def _update_memory_with_recalculation_table(cls, program: EncryptedProgram) -> None: """ Update the program's memory with the final values to be patched into the gate parameters, according to the arithmetic expressions in the original program. For example:: DECLARE theta REAL DECLARE beta REAL RZ(3 * theta) 0 RZ(beta+theta) 0 gets translated to:: DECLARE theta REAL DECLARE __P REAL[2] RZ(__P[0]) 0 RZ(__P[1]) 0 and the recalculation table will contain:: { ParameterAref('__P', 0): Mul(3.0, <MemoryReference theta[0]>), ParameterAref('__P', 1): Add(<MemoryReference beta[0]>, <MemoryReference theta[0]>) } Let's say we've made the following two function calls: .. code-block:: python compiled_program.write_memory(region_name='theta', value=0.5) compiled_program.write_memory(region_name='beta', value=0.1) After executing this function, our self.variables_shim in the above example would contain the following: .. code-block:: python { ParameterAref('theta', 0): 0.5, ParameterAref('beta', 0): 0.1, ParameterAref('__P', 0): 1.5, # (3.0) * theta[0] ParameterAref('__P', 1): 0.6 # beta[0] + theta[0] } Once the _variables_shim is filled, execution continues as with regular binary patching. """ assert isinstance(program, EncryptedProgram) for mref, expression in program.recalculation_table.items(): # Replace the user-declared memory references with any values the user has written, # coerced to a float because that is how we declared it. program._memory.values[mref] = float(cls._resolve_memory_references(expression, memory=program._memory)) @classmethod def _resolve_memory_references(cls, expression: ExpressionDesignator, memory: Memory) -> Union[float, int]: """ Traverse the given Expression, and replace any Memory References with whatever values have been so far provided by the user for those memory spaces. Declared memory defaults to zero. :param expression: an Expression """ if isinstance(expression, BinaryExp): left = cls._resolve_memory_references(expression.op1, memory=memory) right = cls._resolve_memory_references(expression.op2, memory=memory) return cast(Union[float, int], expression.fn(left, right)) elif isinstance(expression, Function): return cast( Union[float, int], expression.fn(cls._resolve_memory_references(expression.expression, memory=memory)), ) elif isinstance(expression, Parameter): raise ValueError(f"Unexpected Parameter in gate expression: {expression}") elif isinstance(expression, (float, int)): return expression elif isinstance(expression, MemoryReference): return memory.values.get(ParameterAref(, index=expression.offset), 0) else: raise ValueError(f"Unexpected expression in gate parameter: {expression}")