Source code for pyquil.paulis

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Module for working with Pauli algebras.

import re
from itertools import product
import numpy as np
import copy

from typing import (

from pyquil.quilatom import (

from .quil import Program
from .gates import H, RZ, RX, CNOT, X, PHASE, QUANTUM_GATES
from numbers import Number, Complex
from collections import OrderedDict
import warnings

PauliTargetDesignator = Union[int, FormalArgument, QubitPlaceholder]
PauliDesignator = Union["PauliTerm", "PauliSum"]

PAULI_OPS = ["X", "Y", "Z", "I"]
    "ZZ": "I",
    "YY": "I",
    "XX": "I",
    "II": "I",
    "XY": "Z",
    "XZ": "Y",
    "YX": "Z",
    "YZ": "X",
    "ZX": "Y",
    "ZY": "X",
    "IX": "X",
    "IY": "Y",
    "IZ": "Z",
    "ZI": "Z",
    "YI": "Y",
    "XI": "X",
    "X": "X",
    "Y": "Y",
    "Z": "Z",
    "I": "I",
    "ZZ": 1.0,
    "YY": 1.0,
    "XX": 1.0,
    "II": 1.0,
    "XY": 1.0j,
    "XZ": -1.0j,
    "YX": -1.0j,
    "YZ": 1.0j,
    "ZX": 1.0j,
    "ZY": -1.0j,
    "IX": 1.0,
    "IY": 1.0,
    "IZ": 1.0,
    "ZI": 1.0,
    "YI": 1.0,
    "XI": 1.0,
    "X": 1.0,
    "Y": 1.0,
    "Z": 1.0,
    "I": 1.0,

[docs]class UnequalLengthWarning(Warning): def __init__(self, *args: object, **kwargs: object): # TODO: remove this "type: ignore" comment once mypy is upgraded to a version with a more # recent typeshed that contains the following fix: # # super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
integer_types = (int, np.int64, np.int32, np.int16, np.int8) """Explicitly include numpy integer dtypes (for python 3).""" HASH_PRECISION = 1e6 """The precision used when hashing terms to check equality. The simplify() method uses np.isclose() for coefficient comparisons to 0 which has its own default precision. We can't use np.isclose() for hashing terms though. """ def _valid_qubit(index: Optional[Union[PauliTargetDesignator, QubitPlaceholder]]) -> bool: return ( (isinstance(index, integer_types) and index >= 0) or isinstance(index, QubitPlaceholder) or isinstance(index, FormalArgument) )
[docs]class PauliTerm(object): """A term is a product of Pauli operators operating on different qubits.""" def __init__( self, op: str, index: Optional[PauliTargetDesignator], coefficient: ExpressionDesignator = 1.0, ): """Create a new Pauli Term with a Pauli operator at a particular index and a leading coefficient. :param op: The Pauli operator as a string "X", "Y", "Z", or "I" :param index: The qubit index that that operator is applied to. :param coefficient: The coefficient multiplying the operator, e.g. 1.5 * Z_1 """ if op not in PAULI_OPS: raise ValueError(f"{op} is not a valid Pauli operator") self._ops: Dict[PauliTargetDesignator, str] = OrderedDict() if op != "I": if not _valid_qubit(index): raise ValueError(f"{index} is not a valid qubit") assert index is not None self._ops[index] = op if isinstance(coefficient, Number): self.coefficient: Union[complex, Expression] = complex(coefficient) else: self.coefficient = coefficient
[docs] def id(self, sort_ops: bool = True) -> str: """ Returns an identifier string for the PauliTerm (ignoring the coefficient). Don't use this to compare terms. This function will not work with qubits that aren't sortable. :param sort_ops: Whether to sort operations by qubit. This is True by default for backwards compatibility but will change in a future version. Callers should never rely on comparing id's for testing equality. See ``operations_as_set`` instead. :return: A string representation of this term's operations. """ if len(self._ops) == 0 and not sort_ops: # This is nefariously backwards-compatibility breaking. There's potentially # lots of code floating around that says is_identity = == '' # Please use `is_identity(term)`! # Therefore, we only return 'I' when sort_ops is set to False, which is the newer # way of calling this function and implies the user knows what they're doing. return "I" if sort_ops and len(self._ops) > 1: warnings.warn( "`` will not work on PauliTerms where the qubits are not " "sortable and should be avoided in favor of `operations_as_set`.", FutureWarning, ) return "".join("{}{}".format(self._ops[q], q) for q in sorted(self._ops.keys())) # type: ignore else: return "".join("{}{}".format(p, q) for q, p in self._ops.items())
[docs] def operations_as_set(self) -> FrozenSet[Tuple[PauliTargetDesignator, str]]: """ Return a frozenset of operations in this term. Use this in place of :py:func:`id` if the order of operations in the term does not matter. :return: frozenset of (qubit, op_str) representing Pauli operations """ return frozenset(self._ops.items())
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, (PauliTerm, PauliSum)): raise TypeError("Can't compare PauliTerm with object of type {}.".format(type(other))) elif isinstance(other, PauliSum): return other == self else: return self.operations_as_set() == other.operations_as_set() and np.allclose( self.coefficient, other.coefficient # type: ignore ) def __hash__(self) -> int: assert isinstance(self.coefficient, Complex) return hash( ( round(self.coefficient.real * HASH_PRECISION), round(self.coefficient.imag * HASH_PRECISION), self.operations_as_set(), ) ) def __len__(self) -> int: """ The length of the PauliTerm is the number of Pauli operators in the term. A term that consists of only a scalar has a length of zero. """ return len(self._ops)
[docs] def copy(self) -> "PauliTerm": """ Properly creates a new PauliTerm, with a completely new dictionary of operators """ new_term = PauliTerm("I", 0, 1.0) # create new object # manually copy all attributes over for key in self.__dict__.keys(): val = self.__dict__[key] if isinstance(val, (dict, list, set)): # mutable types new_term.__dict__[key] = copy.copy(val) else: # immutable types new_term.__dict__[key] = val return new_term
@property def program(self) -> Program: return Program([QUANTUM_GATES[gate](q) for q, gate in self])
[docs] def get_qubits(self) -> List[PauliTargetDesignator]: """Gets all the qubits that this PauliTerm operates on.""" return list(self._ops.keys())
def __getitem__(self, i: PauliTargetDesignator) -> str: return self._ops.get(i, "I") def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[PauliTargetDesignator, str]]: for i in self.get_qubits(): yield i, self[i] def _multiply_factor(self, factor: str, index: PauliTargetDesignator) -> "PauliTerm": new_term = PauliTerm("I", 0) new_coeff = self.coefficient new_ops = self._ops.copy() ops = self[index] + factor new_op = PAULI_PROD[ops] if new_op != "I": new_ops[index] = new_op else: del new_ops[index] new_coeff *= PAULI_COEFF[ops] new_term._ops = new_ops new_term.coefficient = new_coeff return new_term def __mul__(self, term: Union[PauliDesignator, ExpressionDesignator]) -> PauliDesignator: """Multiplies this Pauli Term with another PauliTerm, PauliSum, or number according to the Pauli algebra rules. :param term: (PauliTerm or PauliSum or Number) A term to multiply by. :returns: The product of this PauliTerm and term. """ if isinstance(term, PauliSum): return (PauliSum([self]) * term).simplify() elif isinstance(term, PauliTerm): new_term = PauliTerm("I", 0, 1.0) new_term._ops = self._ops.copy() new_coeff = self.coefficient * term.coefficient for index, op in term: new_term = new_term._multiply_factor(op, index) return term_with_coeff(new_term, new_term.coefficient * new_coeff) return term_with_coeff(self, self.coefficient * term) def __rmul__(self, other: ExpressionDesignator) -> "PauliTerm": """Multiplies this PauliTerm with another object, probably a number. :param other: A number or PauliTerm to multiply by :returns: A new PauliTerm """ p = self * other assert isinstance(p, PauliTerm) return p def __pow__(self, power: int) -> "PauliTerm": """Raises this PauliTerm to power. :param power: The power to raise this PauliTerm to. :return: The power-fold product of power. """ if not isinstance(power, int) or power < 0: raise ValueError("The power must be a non-negative integer.") if len(self.get_qubits()) == 0: # There weren't any nontrivial operators return term_with_coeff(self, 1) result = ID() for _ in range(power): result = cast(PauliTerm, result * self) return result def __add__(self, other: Union[PauliDesignator, ExpressionDesignator]) -> "PauliSum": """Adds this PauliTerm with another one. :param other: A PauliTerm object, a PauliSum object, or a Number :returns: A PauliSum object representing the sum of this PauliTerm and other """ if isinstance(other, PauliSum): return other + self elif isinstance(other, PauliTerm): new_sum = PauliSum([self, other]) return new_sum.simplify() else: # is a Number return self + PauliTerm("I", 0, other) def __radd__(self, other: ExpressionDesignator) -> "PauliSum": """Adds this PauliTerm with a Number. :param other: A Number :returns: A new PauliSum """ return PauliTerm("I", 0, other) + self def __sub__(self, other: Union["PauliTerm", ExpressionDesignator]) -> "PauliSum": """Subtracts a PauliTerm from this one. :param other: A PauliTerm object, a number, or an Expression :returns: A PauliSum object representing the difference of this PauliTerm and term """ return self + -1.0 * other def __rsub__(self, other: Union["PauliTerm", ExpressionDesignator]) -> "PauliSum": """Subtracts this PauliTerm from a Number or PauliTerm. :param other: A PauliTerm object or a Number :returns: A PauliSum object representing the difference of this PauliTerm and term """ return other + -1.0 * self def __repr__(self) -> str: term_strs = [] for index in self._ops.keys(): term_strs.append("%s%s" % (self[index], index)) if len(term_strs) == 0: term_strs.append("I") out = "%s*%s" % (self.coefficient, "*".join(term_strs)) return out
[docs] def compact_str(self) -> str: """A string representation of the Pauli term that is more compact than ``str(term)`` >>> term = 2.0 * sX(1)* sZ(2) >>> str(term) >>> '2.0*X1*X2' >>> term.compact_str() >>> '2.0*X1X2' """ return f"{self.coefficient}*{}"
[docs] @classmethod def from_list(cls, terms_list: List[Tuple[str, int]], coefficient: float = 1.0) -> "PauliTerm": """ Allocates a Pauli Term from a list of operators and indices. This is more efficient than multiplying together individual terms. :param list terms_list: A list of tuples, e.g. [("X", 0), ("Y", 1)] :return: PauliTerm """ if not all([isinstance(op, tuple) for op in terms_list]): raise TypeError( "The type of terms_list should be a list of (name, index) " "tuples suitable for PauliTerm()." ) pterm = PauliTerm("I", 0) assert all([op[0] in PAULI_OPS for op in terms_list]) indices = [op[1] for op in terms_list] assert all(_valid_qubit(index) for index in indices) # this is because from_list doesn't call simplify in order to be more efficient. if len(set(indices)) != len(indices): raise ValueError( "Elements of PauliTerm that are allocated using from_list must " "be on disjoint qubits. Use PauliTerm multiplication to simplify " "terms instead." ) for op, index in terms_list: if op != "I": pterm._ops[index] = op if isinstance(coefficient, Number): pterm.coefficient = complex(coefficient) else: pterm.coefficient = coefficient return pterm
[docs] @classmethod def from_compact_str(cls, str_pauli_term: str) -> "PauliTerm": """Construct a PauliTerm from the result of str(pauli_term)""" # split into str_coef, str_op at first '*'' outside parenthesis try: str_coef, str_op = re.split(r"\*(?![^(]*\))", str_pauli_term, maxsplit=1) except ValueError: raise ValueError( "Could not separate the pauli string into " f"coefficient and operator. {str_pauli_term} does" " not match <coefficient>*<operator>" ) # parse the coefficient into either a float or complex str_coef = str_coef.replace(" ", "") try: coef: Union[float, complex] = float(str_coef) except ValueError: try: coef = complex(str_coef) except ValueError: raise ValueError(f"Could not parse the coefficient {str_coef}") op = sI() * coef if str_op == "I": assert isinstance(op, PauliTerm) return op # parse the operator str_op = re.sub(r"\*", "", str_op) if not re.match(r"^(([XYZ])(\d+))+$", str_op): raise ValueError(rf"Could not parse operator string {str_op}. It should match ^(([XYZ])(\d+))+$") for factor in re.finditer(r"([XYZ])(\d+)", str_op): op *= cls(, int( assert isinstance(op, PauliTerm) return op
[docs] def pauli_string(self, qubits: Iterable[int]) -> str: """ Return a string representation of this PauliTerm without its coefficient and with implicit qubit indices. If an iterable of qubits is provided, each character in the resulting string represents a Pauli operator on the corresponding qubit. >>> p = PauliTerm("X", 0) * PauliTerm("Y", 1, 1.j) >>> p.pauli_string() "XY" >>> p.pauli_string(qubits=[0]) "X" >>> p.pauli_string(qubits=[0, 2]) "XI" :param iterable of qubits: The iterable of qubits to represent, given as ints. :return: The string representation of this PauliTerm, sans coefficient """ return "".join(self[q] for q in qubits)
# For convenience, a shorthand for several operators.
[docs]def ID() -> PauliTerm: """ The identity operator. """ return PauliTerm("I", 0, 1)
[docs]def ZERO() -> PauliTerm: """ The zero operator. """ return PauliTerm("I", 0, 0)
[docs]def sI(q: Optional[int] = None) -> PauliTerm: """ A function that returns the identity operator, optionally on a particular qubit. This can be specified without a qubit. :param qubit_index: The optional index of a qubit. :returns: A PauliTerm object """ return PauliTerm("I", q)
[docs]def sX(q: int) -> PauliTerm: """ A function that returns the sigma_X operator on a particular qubit. :param qubit_index: The index of the qubit :returns: A PauliTerm object """ return PauliTerm("X", q)
[docs]def sY(q: int) -> PauliTerm: """ A function that returns the sigma_Y operator on a particular qubit. :param qubit_index: The index of the qubit :returns: A PauliTerm object """ return PauliTerm("Y", q)
[docs]def sZ(q: int) -> PauliTerm: """ A function that returns the sigma_Z operator on a particular qubit. :param qubit_index: The index of the qubit :returns: A PauliTerm object """ return PauliTerm("Z", q)
[docs]def term_with_coeff(term: PauliTerm, coeff: ExpressionDesignator) -> PauliTerm: """ Change the coefficient of a PauliTerm. :param term: A PauliTerm object :param coeff: The coefficient to set on the PauliTerm :returns: A new PauliTerm that duplicates term but sets coeff """ if not isinstance(coeff, Number): raise ValueError("coeff must be a Number") new_pauli = term.copy() # We cast to a complex number to ensure that internally the coefficients remain compatible. new_pauli.coefficient = complex(coeff) return new_pauli
[docs]class PauliSum(object): """A sum of one or more PauliTerms.""" def __init__(self, terms: Sequence[PauliTerm]): """ :param Sequence terms: A Sequence of PauliTerms. """ if not (isinstance(terms, Sequence) and all([isinstance(term, PauliTerm) for term in terms])): raise ValueError("PauliSum's are currently constructed from Sequences of PauliTerms.") self.terms: Sequence[PauliTerm] if len(terms) == 0: self.terms = [0.0 * ID()] else: self.terms = terms def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: """Equality testing to see if two PauliSum's are equivalent. :param other: The PauliSum to compare this PauliSum with. :return: True if other is equivalent to this PauliSum, False otherwise. """ if not isinstance(other, (PauliTerm, PauliSum)): raise TypeError("Can't compare PauliSum with object of type {}.".format(type(other))) elif isinstance(other, PauliTerm): return self == PauliSum([other]) elif len(self.terms) != len(other.terms): return False return set(self.terms) == set(other.terms) def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(frozenset(self.terms)) def __repr__(self) -> str: return " + ".join([str(term) for term in self.terms]) def __len__(self) -> int: """ The length of the PauliSum is the number of PauliTerms in the sum. """ return len(self.terms) def __getitem__(self, item: int) -> PauliTerm: """ :param item: The index of the term in the sum to return :return: The PauliTerm at the index-th position in the PauliSum """ return self.terms[item] def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[PauliTerm]: return self.terms.__iter__() def __mul__(self, other: Union[PauliDesignator, ExpressionDesignator]) -> "PauliSum": """ Multiplies together this PauliSum with PauliSum, PauliTerm or Number objects. The new term is then simplified according to the Pauli Algebra rules. :param other: a PauliSum, PauliTerm or Number object :return: A new PauliSum object given by the multiplication. """ if not isinstance(other, (Expression, Number, PauliTerm, PauliSum)): raise ValueError("Cannot multiply PauliSum by term that is not a Number, PauliTerm, or PauliSum") other_terms: List[Union[PauliTerm, ExpressionDesignator]] = [] if isinstance(other, PauliSum): other_terms += other.terms else: other_terms += [other] new_terms = [lterm * rterm for lterm, rterm in product(self.terms, other_terms)] new_sum = PauliSum(cast(List[PauliTerm], new_terms)) return new_sum.simplify() def __rmul__(self, other: ExpressionDesignator) -> "PauliSum": """ Multiples together this PauliSum with PauliSum, PauliTerm or Number objects. The new term is then simplified according to the Pauli Algebra rules. :param other: a PauliSum, PauliTerm or Number object :return: A new PauliSum object given by the multiplication. """ assert isinstance(other, Number) new_terms = [term.copy() for term in self.terms] for term in new_terms: term.coefficient *= other return PauliSum(new_terms).simplify() def __pow__(self, power: int) -> "PauliSum": """Raises this PauliSum to power. :param power: The power to raise this PauliSum to. :return: The power-th power of this PauliSum. """ if not isinstance(power, int) or power < 0: raise ValueError("The power must be a non-negative integer.") result = PauliSum([ID()]) if not self.get_qubits(): # There aren't any nontrivial operators terms = [term_with_coeff(term, 1) for term in self.terms] for term in terms: result *= term else: for term in self.terms: for qubit_id in term.get_qubits(): result *= PauliTerm("I", qubit_id) for _ in range(power): result *= self return result def __add__(self, other: Union[PauliDesignator, ExpressionDesignator]) -> "PauliSum": """ Adds together this PauliSum with PauliSum, PauliTerm or Number objects. The new term is then simplified according to the Pauli Algebra rules. :param other: a PauliSum, PauliTerm or Number object :return: A new PauliSum object given by the addition. """ if isinstance(other, PauliTerm): other_sum = PauliSum([other]) elif isinstance(other, (Expression, Number, complex)): other_sum = PauliSum([other * ID()]) else: other_sum = other new_terms = [term.copy() for term in self.terms] new_terms.extend(other_sum.terms) new_sum = PauliSum(new_terms) return new_sum.simplify() def __radd__(self, other: ExpressionDesignator) -> "PauliSum": """ Adds together this PauliSum with a Number object. The new term is then simplified according to the Pauli Algebra rules. :param other: A Number :return: A new PauliSum object given by the addition. """ assert isinstance(other, Number) return self + other def __sub__(self, other: Union[PauliDesignator, ExpressionDesignator]) -> "PauliSum": """ Finds the difference of this PauliSum with PauliSum, PauliTerm or Number objects. The new term is then simplified according to the Pauli Algebra rules. :param other: a PauliSum, PauliTerm or Number object :return: A new PauliSum object given by the subtraction. """ return self + -1.0 * other def __rsub__(self, other: Union[PauliDesignator, ExpressionDesignator]) -> "PauliSum": """ Finds the different of this PauliSum with PauliSum, PauliTerm or Number objects. The new term is then simplified according to the Pauli Algebra rules. :param other: a PauliSum, PauliTerm or Number object :return: A new PauliSum object given by the subtraction. """ return other + -1.0 * self
[docs] def get_qubits(self) -> List[PauliTargetDesignator]: """ The support of all the operators in the PauliSum object. :returns: A list of all the qubits in the sum of terms. """ all_qubits = [] for term in self.terms: all_qubits.extend(term.get_qubits()) return list(set(all_qubits))
[docs] def simplify(self) -> "PauliSum": """ Simplifies the sum of Pauli operators according to Pauli algebra rules. """ return simplify_pauli_sum(self)
[docs] def get_programs(self) -> Tuple[List[Program], np.ndarray]: """ Get a Pyquil Program corresponding to each term in the PauliSum and a coefficient for each program :return: (programs, coefficients) """ programs = [term.program for term in self.terms] coefficients = np.array([term.coefficient for term in self.terms]) return programs, coefficients
[docs] def compact_str(self) -> str: """A string representation of the PauliSum that is more compact than ``str(pauli_sum)`` >>> pauli_sum = 2.0 * sX(1)* sZ(2) + 1.5 * sY(2) >>> str(pauli_sum) >>> '2.0*X1*X2 + 1.5*Y2' >>> pauli_sum.compact_str() >>> '2.0*X1X2+1.5*Y2' """ return "+".join([term.compact_str() for term in self.terms])
[docs] @classmethod def from_compact_str(cls, str_pauli_sum: str) -> "PauliSum": """Construct a PauliSum from the result of str(pauli_sum)""" # split str_pauli_sum only at "+" outside of parenthesis to allow # e.g. "0.5*X0 + (0.5+0j)*Z2" str_terms = re.split(r"\+(?![^(]*\))", str_pauli_sum) str_terms = [s.strip() for s in str_terms] terms = [PauliTerm.from_compact_str(term) for term in str_terms] return cls(terms).simplify()
[docs]def simplify_pauli_sum(pauli_sum: PauliSum) -> PauliSum: """ Simplify the sum of Pauli operators according to Pauli algebra rules. Warning: The simplified expression may re-order pauli operations, and may impact the observed performance when running on the QPU. """ # You might want to use a defaultdict(list) here, but don't because # we want to do our best to preserve the order of terms. like_terms: Dict[Hashable, List[PauliTerm]] = OrderedDict() for term in pauli_sum.terms: key = term.operations_as_set() if key in like_terms: like_terms[key].append(term) else: like_terms[key] = [term] terms = [] for term_list in like_terms.values(): first_term = term_list[0] if len(term_list) == 1 and not np.isclose(first_term.coefficient, 0.0): # type: ignore terms.append(first_term) else: coeff = sum(t.coefficient for t in term_list) if not np.isclose(coeff, 0.0): # type: ignore terms.append(term_with_coeff(term_list[0], coeff)) return PauliSum(terms)
[docs]def check_commutation(pauli_list: Sequence[PauliTerm], pauli_two: PauliTerm) -> bool: """ Check if commuting a PauliTerm commutes with a list of other terms by natural calculation. Uses the result in Section 3 of arXiv:1405.5749v2, modified slightly here to check for the number of anti-coincidences (which must always be even for commuting PauliTerms) instead of the no. of coincidences, as in the paper. :param pauli_list: A list of PauliTerm objects :param pauli_two_term: A PauliTerm object :returns: True if pauli_two object commutes with pauli_list, False otherwise """ def coincident_parity(p1: PauliTerm, p2: PauliTerm) -> bool: non_similar = 0 p1_indices = set(p1._ops.keys()) p2_indices = set(p2._ops.keys()) for idx in p1_indices.intersection(p2_indices): if p1[idx] != p2[idx]: non_similar += 1 return non_similar % 2 == 0 for term in pauli_list: if not coincident_parity(term, pauli_two): return False return True
[docs]def commuting_sets(pauli_terms: PauliSum) -> List[List[PauliTerm]]: """Gather the Pauli terms of pauli_terms variable into commuting sets Uses algorithm defined in (Raeisi, Wiebe, Sanders, arXiv:1108.4318, 2011) to find commuting sets. Except uses commutation check from arXiv:1405.5749v2 :param pauli_terms: A PauliSum object :returns: List of lists where each list contains a commuting set """ m_terms = len(pauli_terms.terms) m_s = 1 groups = [] groups.append([pauli_terms.terms[0]]) for j in range(1, m_terms): isAssigned_bool = False for p in range(m_s): # check if it commutes with each group if isAssigned_bool is False: if check_commutation(groups[p], pauli_terms.terms[j]): isAssigned_bool = True groups[p].append(pauli_terms.terms[j]) if isAssigned_bool is False: m_s += 1 groups.append([pauli_terms.terms[j]]) return groups
[docs]def is_identity(term: PauliDesignator) -> bool: """ Tests to see if a PauliTerm or PauliSum is a scalar multiple of identity :param term: Either a PauliTerm or PauliSum :returns: True if the PauliTerm or PauliSum is a scalar multiple of identity, False otherwise """ if isinstance(term, PauliTerm): return (len(term) == 0) and (not np.isclose(term.coefficient, 0)) # type: ignore elif isinstance(term, PauliSum): return ( (len(term.terms) == 1) and (len(term.terms[0]) == 0) and (not np.isclose(term.terms[0].coefficient, 0)) # type: ignore ) else: raise TypeError("is_identity only checks PauliTerms and PauliSum objects!")
[docs]def exponentiate(term: PauliTerm) -> Program: """ Creates a pyQuil program that simulates the unitary evolution exp(-1j * term) :param term: A pauli term to exponentiate :returns: A Program object """ return exponential_map(term)(1.0)
[docs]def exponential_map(term: PauliTerm) -> Callable[[Union[float, MemoryReference]], Program]: """ Returns a function f(alpha) that constructs the Program corresponding to exp(-1j*alpha*term). :param term: A pauli term to exponentiate :returns: A function that takes an angle parameter and returns a program. """ assert isinstance(term.coefficient, Complex) if not np.isclose(np.imag(term.coefficient), 0.0): raise TypeError("PauliTerm coefficient must be real") coeff = term.coefficient.real term.coefficient = term.coefficient.real def exp_wrap(param: float) -> Program: prog = Program() if is_identity(term): prog.inst(X(0)) prog.inst(PHASE(-param * coeff, 0)) prog.inst(X(0)) prog.inst(PHASE(-param * coeff, 0)) elif is_zero(term): pass else: prog += _exponentiate_general_case(term, param) return prog return exp_wrap
[docs]def exponentiate_commuting_pauli_sum( pauli_sum: PauliSum, ) -> Callable[[Union[float, MemoryReference]], Program]: """ Returns a function that maps all substituent PauliTerms and sums them into a program. NOTE: Use this function with care. Substituent PauliTerms should commute. :param pauli_sum: PauliSum to exponentiate. :returns: A function that parametrizes the exponential. """ if not isinstance(pauli_sum, PauliSum): raise TypeError("Argument 'pauli_sum' must be a PauliSum.") fns = [exponential_map(term) for term in pauli_sum] def combined_exp_wrap(param: Union[float, MemoryReference]) -> Program: return Program([f(param) for f in fns]) return combined_exp_wrap
def _exponentiate_general_case(pauli_term: PauliTerm, param: float) -> Program: """ Returns a Quil (Program()) object corresponding to the exponential of the pauli_term object, i.e. exp[-1.0j * param * pauli_term] :param pauli_term: A PauliTerm to exponentiate :param param: scalar, non-complex, value :returns: A Quil program object """ def reverse_hack(p: Program) -> Program: # A hack to produce a *temporary* program which reverses p. revp = Program() revp.inst(list(reversed(p.instructions))) return revp quil_prog = Program() change_to_z_basis = Program() change_to_original_basis = Program() cnot_seq = Program() prev_index = None highest_target_index = None for index, op in pauli_term: assert isinstance(index, (int, QubitPlaceholder)) if "X" == op: change_to_z_basis.inst(H(index)) change_to_original_basis.inst(H(index)) elif "Y" == op: change_to_z_basis.inst(RX(np.pi / 2.0, index)) change_to_original_basis.inst(RX(-np.pi / 2.0, index)) elif "I" == op: continue if prev_index is not None: cnot_seq.inst(CNOT(prev_index, index)) prev_index = index highest_target_index = index # building rotation circuit quil_prog += change_to_z_basis quil_prog += cnot_seq assert isinstance(pauli_term.coefficient, Complex) and highest_target_index is not None quil_prog.inst(RZ(2.0 * pauli_term.coefficient * param, highest_target_index)) quil_prog += reverse_hack(cnot_seq) quil_prog += change_to_original_basis return quil_prog
[docs]def suzuki_trotter(trotter_order: int, trotter_steps: int) -> List[Tuple[float, int]]: """ Generate trotterization coefficients for a given number of Trotter steps. U = exp(A + B) is approximated as exp(w1*o1)exp(w2*o2)... This method returns a list [(w1, o1), (w2, o2), ... , (wm, om)] of tuples where o=0 corresponds to the A operator, o=1 corresponds to the B operator, and w is the coefficient in the exponential. For example, a second order Suzuki-Trotter approximation to exp(A + B) results in the following [(0.5/trotter_steps, 0), (1/trotter_steps, 1), (0.5/trotter_steps, 0)] * trotter_steps. :param trotter_order: order of Suzuki-Trotter approximation :param trotter_steps: number of steps in the approximation :returns: List of tuples corresponding to the coefficient and operator type: o=0 is A and o=1 is B. """ p1 = p2 = p4 = p5 = 1.0 / (4 - (4 ** (1.0 / 3))) p3 = 1 - 4 * p1 trotter_dict: Dict[int, List[Tuple[float, int]]] = { 1: [(1, 0), (1, 1)], 2: [(0.5, 0), (1, 1), (0.5, 0)], 3: [ (7.0 / 24, 0), (2.0 / 3.0, 1), (3.0 / 4.0, 0), (-2.0 / 3.0, 1), (-1.0 / 24, 0), (1.0, 1), ], 4: [ (p5 / 2, 0), (p5, 1), (p5 / 2, 0), (p4 / 2, 0), (p4, 1), (p4 / 2, 0), (p3 / 2, 0), (p3, 1), (p3 / 2, 0), (p2 / 2, 0), (p2, 1), (p2 / 2, 0), (p1 / 2, 0), (p1, 1), (p1 / 2, 0), ], } order_slices = [(x0 / trotter_steps, x1) for x0, x1 in trotter_dict[trotter_order]] order_slices = order_slices * trotter_steps return order_slices
[docs]def is_zero(pauli_object: PauliDesignator) -> bool: """ Tests to see if a PauliTerm or PauliSum is zero. :param pauli_object: Either a PauliTerm or PauliSum :returns: True if PauliTerm is zero, False otherwise """ if isinstance(pauli_object, PauliTerm): assert isinstance(pauli_object.coefficient, Complex) return bool(np.isclose(pauli_object.coefficient, 0)) elif isinstance(pauli_object, PauliSum): assert isinstance(pauli_object.terms[0].coefficient, Complex) return len(pauli_object.terms) == 1 and np.isclose(pauli_object.terms[0].coefficient, 0) else: raise TypeError("is_zero only checks PauliTerms and PauliSum objects!")
[docs]def trotterize( first_pauli_term: PauliTerm, second_pauli_term: PauliTerm, trotter_order: int = 1, trotter_steps: int = 1, ) -> Program: """ Create a Quil program that approximates exp( (A + B)t) where A and B are PauliTerm operators. :param first_pauli_term: PauliTerm denoted `A` :param second_pauli_term: PauliTerm denoted `B` :param trotter_order: Optional argument indicating the Suzuki-Trotter approximation order--only accepts orders 1, 2, 3, 4. :param trotter_steps: Optional argument indicating the number of products to decompose the exponential into. :return: Quil program """ if not (1 <= trotter_order < 5): raise ValueError("trotterize only accepts trotter_order in {1, 2, 3, 4}.") commutator = (first_pauli_term * second_pauli_term) + (-1 * second_pauli_term * first_pauli_term) prog = Program() if is_zero(commutator): param_exp_prog_one = exponential_map(first_pauli_term) exp_prog = param_exp_prog_one(1) prog += exp_prog param_exp_prog_two = exponential_map(second_pauli_term) exp_prog = param_exp_prog_two(1) prog += exp_prog return prog order_slices = suzuki_trotter(trotter_order, trotter_steps) for coeff, operator in order_slices: if operator == 0: param_prog = exponential_map(coeff * first_pauli_term) exp_prog = param_prog(1) prog += exp_prog else: param_prog = exponential_map(coeff * second_pauli_term) exp_prog = param_prog(1) prog += exp_prog return prog