Source code for pyquil.quilbase

# Copyright 2016-2018 Rigetti Computing
#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#    You may obtain a copy of the License at
#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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#    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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Contains the core pyQuil objects that correspond to Quil instructions.
import collections
import json

from numbers import Complex
from typing import (

import numpy as np
from deprecated import deprecated
from deprecated.sphinx import versionadded

from pyquil.quilatom import (

    from pyquil.paulis import PauliSum

from dataclasses import dataclass

[docs]class AbstractInstruction(object): """ Abstract class for representing single instructions. """
[docs] def out(self) -> str: pass
def __str__(self) -> str: return self.out() def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.out() == other.out() def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: return not self.__eq__(other) def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(self.out())
RESERVED_WORDS: Container[str] = [ "DEFGATE", "DEFCIRCUIT", "MEASURE", "LABEL", "HALT", "JUMP", "JUMP-WHEN", "JUMP-UNLESS", "RESET", "WAIT", "NOP", "INCLUDE", "PRAGMA", "DECLARE", "NEG", "NOT", "AND", "IOR", "XOR", "MOVE", "EXCHANGE", "CONVERT", "ADD", "SUB", "MUL", "DIV", "EQ", "GT", "GE", "LT", "LE", "LOAD", "STORE", # Quil-T additions: "DEFCAL", "DEFFRAME", "DEFWAVEFORM", "PULSE", "CAPTURE", "RAW-CAPTURE", "DELAY", "FENCE", "SET-FREQUENCY", "SET-PHASE", "SHIFT-PHASE", "SWAP-PHASES", "SET-SCALE", "SAMPLE-RATE", "INITIAL-FREQUENCY", # to be removed: "TRUE", "FALSE", "OR", ] def _extract_qubit_index(qubit: Union[Qubit, QubitPlaceholder, FormalArgument], index: bool = True) -> QubitDesignator: if index and isinstance(qubit, Qubit): return qubit.index return qubit def _get_frame_qubits(frame: Frame, index: bool = True) -> Set[QubitDesignator]: for q in frame.qubits: if isinstance(q, FormalArgument): raise ValueError("Attempted to extract FormalArgument where a Qubit is expected.") return {_extract_qubit_index(q, index) for q in cast(List[Qubit], frame.qubits)} def _format_qubit_str(qubit: Union[Qubit, QubitPlaceholder, FormalArgument]) -> str: if isinstance(qubit, QubitPlaceholder): return "{%s}" % str(qubit) return str(qubit) def _format_qubits_str(qubits: Iterable[Union[Qubit, QubitPlaceholder, FormalArgument]]) -> str: return " ".join([_format_qubit_str(qubit) for qubit in qubits]) def _format_qubits_out(qubits: Iterable[Union[Qubit, QubitPlaceholder, FormalArgument]]) -> str: return " ".join([qubit.out() for qubit in qubits]) def _format_params(params: Iterable[ParameterDesignator]) -> str: return "(" + ",".join(format_parameter(param) for param in params) + ")" def _join_strings(*args: str) -> str: return " ".join(map(str, args))
[docs]class Gate(AbstractInstruction): """ This is the pyQuil object for a quantum gate instruction. """ def __init__( self, name: str, params: Iterable[ParameterDesignator], qubits: Iterable[Union[Qubit, QubitPlaceholder, FormalArgument]], ): if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError("Gate name must be a string") if name in RESERVED_WORDS: raise ValueError("Cannot use {} for a gate name since it's a reserved word".format(name)) if not isinstance(params, raise TypeError("Gate params must be an Iterable") if not isinstance(qubits, raise TypeError("Gate arguments must be an Iterable") for qubit in qubits: if not isinstance(qubit, (Qubit, QubitPlaceholder, FormalArgument)): raise TypeError("Gate arguments must all be Qubits") qubits_list = list(qubits) if len(qubits_list) == 0: raise TypeError("Gate arguments must be non-empty") = name self.params = list(params) self.qubits = qubits_list self.modifiers: List[str] = []
[docs] def get_qubits(self, indices: bool = True) -> Set[QubitDesignator]: return {_extract_qubit_index(q, indices) for q in self.qubits}
[docs] def out(self) -> str: if self.params: return "{}{}{} {}".format( " ".join(self.modifiers) + " " if self.modifiers else "",, _format_params(self.params), _format_qubits_out(self.qubits), ) else: return "{}{} {}".format( " ".join(self.modifiers) + " " if self.modifiers else "",, _format_qubits_out(self.qubits), )
[docs] def controlled(self, control_qubit: Union[QubitDesignator, Sequence[QubitDesignator]]) -> "Gate": """ Add the CONTROLLED modifier to the gate with the given control qubit or Sequence of control qubits. """ control_qubit = control_qubit if isinstance(control_qubit, Sequence) else [control_qubit] for qubit in control_qubit: qubit = unpack_qubit(qubit) self.modifiers.insert(0, "CONTROLLED") self.qubits.insert(0, qubit) return self
[docs] def forked(self, fork_qubit: QubitDesignator, alt_params: List[ParameterDesignator]) -> "Gate": """ Add the FORKED modifier to the gate with the given fork qubit and given additional parameters. """ if not isinstance(alt_params, list): raise TypeError("Gate params must be a list") if len(self.params) != len(alt_params): raise ValueError("Expected {} parameters but received {}".format(len(self.params), len(alt_params))) fork_qubit = unpack_qubit(fork_qubit) self.modifiers.insert(0, "FORKED") self.qubits.insert(0, fork_qubit) self.params += alt_params return self
[docs] def dagger(self) -> "Gate": """ Add the DAGGER modifier to the gate. """ self.modifiers.insert(0, "DAGGER") return self
def __repr__(self) -> str: return "<Gate " + str(self) + ">" def __str__(self) -> str: if self.params: return "{}{}{} {}".format( " ".join(self.modifiers) + " " if self.modifiers else "",, _format_params(self.params), _format_qubits_str(self.qubits), ) else: return "{}{} {}".format( " ".join(self.modifiers) + " " if self.modifiers else "",, _format_qubits_str(self.qubits), )
def _strip_modifiers(gate: Gate, limit: Optional[int] = None) -> Gate: """ Remove modifiers from :py:class:`Gate`. This function removes up to ``limit`` gate modifiers from the given gate, starting from the leftmost gate modifier. :param gate: A gate. :param limit: An upper bound on how many modifiers to remove. """ if limit is None: limit = len(gate.modifiers) # We walk the modifiers from left-to-right, tracking indices to identify # qubits/params introduced by gate modifiers. # # Invariants: # - gate.qubits[0:qubit_index] are qubits introduced by gate modifiers # - gate.params[param_index:] are parameters introduced by gate modifiers qubit_index = 0 param_index = len(gate.params) for m in gate.modifiers[:limit]: if m == "CONTROLLED": qubit_index += 1 elif m == "FORKED": if param_index % 2 != 0: raise ValueError("FORKED gate has an invalid number of parameters.") param_index //= 2 qubit_index += 1 elif m == "DAGGER": pass else: raise TypeError("Unsupported gate modifier {}".format(m)) stripped = Gate(, gate.params[:param_index], gate.qubits[qubit_index:]) stripped.modifiers = gate.modifiers[limit:] return stripped
[docs]class Measurement(AbstractInstruction): """ This is the pyQuil object for a Quil measurement instruction. """ def __init__( self, qubit: Union[Qubit, QubitPlaceholder, FormalArgument], classical_reg: Optional[MemoryReference], ): if not isinstance(qubit, (Qubit, QubitPlaceholder, FormalArgument)): raise TypeError("qubit should be a Qubit") if classical_reg is not None and not isinstance(classical_reg, MemoryReference): raise TypeError("classical_reg should be None or a MemoryReference instance") self.qubit = qubit self.classical_reg = classical_reg
[docs] def out(self) -> str: if self.classical_reg: return "MEASURE {} {}".format(self.qubit.out(), self.classical_reg.out()) else: return "MEASURE {}".format(self.qubit.out())
def __str__(self) -> str: if self.classical_reg: return "MEASURE {} {}".format(_format_qubit_str(self.qubit), str(self.classical_reg)) else: return "MEASURE {}".format(_format_qubit_str(self.qubit))
[docs] def get_qubits(self, indices: bool = True) -> Set[QubitDesignator]: return {_extract_qubit_index(self.qubit, indices)}
[docs]class ResetQubit(AbstractInstruction): """ This is the pyQuil object for a Quil targeted reset instruction. """ def __init__(self, qubit: Union[Qubit, QubitPlaceholder, FormalArgument]): if not isinstance(qubit, (Qubit, QubitPlaceholder, FormalArgument)): raise TypeError("qubit should be a Qubit") self.qubit = qubit
[docs] def out(self) -> str: return "RESET {}".format(self.qubit.out())
def __str__(self) -> str: return "RESET {}".format(_format_qubit_str(self.qubit))
[docs] def get_qubits(self, indices: bool = True) -> Set[QubitDesignator]: return {_extract_qubit_index(self.qubit, indices)}
[docs]class DefGate(AbstractInstruction): """ A DEFGATE directive. :param name: The name of the newly defined gate. :param matrix: The matrix defining this gate. :param parameters: list of parameters that are used in this gate """ def __init__( self, name: str, matrix: Union[List[List[Any]], np.ndarray, np.matrix], parameters: Optional[List[Parameter]] = None, ): if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError("Gate name must be a string") if name in RESERVED_WORDS: raise ValueError("Cannot use {} for a gate name since it's a reserved word".format(name)) if isinstance(matrix, list): rows = len(matrix) if not all([len(row) == rows for row in matrix]): raise ValueError("Matrix must be square.") elif isinstance(matrix, (np.ndarray, np.matrix)): rows, cols = matrix.shape if rows != cols: raise ValueError("Matrix must be square.") else: raise TypeError("Matrix argument must be a list or NumPy array/matrix") if 0 != rows & (rows - 1): raise ValueError("Dimension of matrix must be a power of 2, got {0}".format(rows)) = name self.matrix = np.asarray(matrix) if parameters: if not isinstance(parameters, list): raise TypeError("Paramaters must be a list") expressions = [elem for row in self.matrix for elem in row if isinstance(elem, Expression)] used_params = {param for exp in expressions for param in _contained_parameters(exp)} if set(parameters) != used_params: raise ValueError( "Parameters list does not match parameters actually used in gate matrix:\n" "Parameters in argument: {}, Parameters in matrix: {}".format(parameters, used_params) ) else: is_unitary = np.allclose(np.eye(rows), if not is_unitary: raise ValueError("Matrix must be unitary.") self.parameters = parameters
[docs] def out(self) -> str: """ Prints a readable Quil string representation of this gate. :returns: String representation of a gate """ def format_matrix_element(element: Union[ExpressionDesignator, str]) -> str: """ Formats a parameterized matrix element. :param element: The parameterized element to format. """ if isinstance(element, (int, float, complex, np.int_)): return format_parameter(element) elif isinstance(element, str): return element elif isinstance(element, Expression): return str(element) else: raise TypeError("Invalid matrix element: %r" % element) if self.parameters: result = "DEFGATE {}({}):\n".format(, ", ".join(map(str, self.parameters))) else: result = "DEFGATE {}:\n".format( for row in self.matrix: result += " " fcols = [format_matrix_element(col) for col in row] result += ", ".join(fcols) result += "\n" return result
[docs] def get_constructor(self) -> Union[Callable[..., Gate], Callable[..., Callable[..., Gate]]]: """ :returns: A function that constructs this gate on variable qubit indices. E.g. `mygate.get_constructor()(1) applies the gate to qubit 1.` """ if self.parameters: return lambda *params: lambda *qubits: Gate(, params=list(params), qubits=list(map(unpack_qubit, qubits)) ) else: return lambda *qubits: Gate(, params=[], qubits=list(map(unpack_qubit, qubits)))
[docs] def num_args(self) -> int: """ :return: The number of qubit arguments the gate takes. """ rows = len(self.matrix) return int(np.log2(rows))
[docs]class DefPermutationGate(DefGate): def __init__(self, name: str, permutation: Union[List[Union[int, np.int_]], np.ndarray]): if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError("Gate name must be a string") if name in RESERVED_WORDS: raise ValueError(f"Cannot use {name} for a gate name since it's a reserved word") if not isinstance(permutation, (list, np.ndarray)): raise ValueError(f"Permutation must be a list or NumPy array, got value of type {type(permutation)}") permutation = np.asarray(permutation) ndim = permutation.ndim if 1 != ndim: raise ValueError(f"Permutation must have dimension 1, got {permutation.ndim}") elts = permutation.shape[0] if 0 != elts & (elts - 1): raise ValueError(f"Dimension of permutation must be a power of 2, got {elts}") = name self.permutation = permutation self.parameters = None
[docs] def out(self) -> str: body = ", ".join([str(p) for p in self.permutation]) return f"DEFGATE {} AS PERMUTATION:\n {body}"
[docs] def num_args(self) -> int: """ :return: The number of qubit arguments the gate takes. """ return int(np.log2(len(self.permutation)))
[docs]class DefGateByPaulis(DefGate): """ Records a gate definition as the exponentiation of a PauliSum. """ def __init__( self, gate_name: str, parameters: List[Parameter], arguments: List[QubitDesignator], body: "PauliSum", ): if not isinstance(gate_name, str): raise TypeError("Gate name must be a string") if gate_name in RESERVED_WORDS: raise ValueError(f"Cannot use {gate_name} for a gate name since it's a reserved word") = gate_name self.parameters = parameters self.arguments = arguments self.body = body
[docs] def out(self) -> str: out = f"DEFGATE {}" if self.parameters is not None: out += f"({', '.join(map(str, self.parameters))}) " out += f"{' '.join(map(str, self.arguments))} AS PAULI-SUM:\n" for term in self.body: args = term._ops.keys() word = term._ops.values() out += f" {''.join(word)}({term.coefficient}) " + " ".join(map(str, args)) + "\n" return out
[docs] def num_args(self) -> int: return len(self.arguments)
[docs]class JumpTarget(AbstractInstruction): """ Representation of a target that can be jumped to. """ def __init__(self, label: Union[Label, LabelPlaceholder]): if not isinstance(label, (Label, LabelPlaceholder)): raise TypeError("label must be a Label") self.label = label def __repr__(self) -> str: return "<JumpTarget {0}>".format(str(self.label))
[docs] def out(self) -> str: return "LABEL {0}".format(str(self.label))
[docs]class JumpConditional(AbstractInstruction): """ Abstract representation of an conditional jump instruction. """ op: ClassVar[str] def __init__(self, target: Union[Label, LabelPlaceholder], condition: MemoryReference): if not isinstance(target, (Label, LabelPlaceholder)): raise TypeError("target should be a Label") if not isinstance(condition, MemoryReference): raise TypeError("condition should be an MemoryReference") = target self.condition = condition
[docs] def out(self) -> str: return "%s %s %s" % (self.op,, self.condition)
[docs]class JumpWhen(JumpConditional): """ The JUMP-WHEN instruction. """ op = "JUMP-WHEN"
[docs]class JumpUnless(JumpConditional): """ The JUMP-UNLESS instruction. """ op = "JUMP-UNLESS"
[docs]class SimpleInstruction(AbstractInstruction): """ Abstract class for simple instructions with no arguments. """ op: ClassVar[str]
[docs] def out(self) -> str: return self.op
[docs]class Halt(SimpleInstruction): """ The HALT instruction. """ op = "HALT"
[docs]class Wait(SimpleInstruction): """ The WAIT instruction. """ op = "WAIT"
[docs]class Reset(SimpleInstruction): """ The RESET instruction. """ op = "RESET"
[docs]class Nop(SimpleInstruction): """ The NOP instruction. """ op = "NOP"
[docs]class UnaryClassicalInstruction(AbstractInstruction): """ The abstract class for unary classical instructions. """ op: ClassVar[str] def __init__(self, target: MemoryReference): if not isinstance(target, MemoryReference): raise TypeError("target operand should be an MemoryReference") = target
[docs] def out(self) -> str: return "%s %s" % (self.op,
[docs]class ClassicalNeg(UnaryClassicalInstruction): """ The NEG instruction. """ op = "NEG"
[docs]class ClassicalNot(UnaryClassicalInstruction): """ The NOT instruction. """ op = "NOT"
[docs]class LogicalBinaryOp(AbstractInstruction): """ The abstract class for binary logical classical instructions. """ op: ClassVar[str] def __init__(self, left: MemoryReference, right: Union[MemoryReference, int]): if not isinstance(left, MemoryReference): raise TypeError("left operand should be an MemoryReference") if not isinstance(right, MemoryReference) and not isinstance(right, int): raise TypeError("right operand should be an MemoryReference or an Int") self.left = left self.right = right
[docs] def out(self) -> str: return "%s %s %s" % (self.op, self.left, self.right)
[docs]class ClassicalAnd(LogicalBinaryOp): """ WARNING: The operand order for ClassicalAnd has changed. In pyQuil versions <= 1.9, AND had signature AND %source %target Now, AND has signature AND %target %source """ op = "AND"
[docs]class ClassicalInclusiveOr(LogicalBinaryOp): """ The IOR instruction. """ op = "IOR"
[docs]class ClassicalExclusiveOr(LogicalBinaryOp): """ The XOR instruction. """ op = "XOR"
[docs]class ArithmeticBinaryOp(AbstractInstruction): """ The abstract class for binary arithmetic classical instructions. """ op: ClassVar[str] def __init__(self, left: MemoryReference, right: Union[MemoryReference, int, float]): if not isinstance(left, MemoryReference): raise TypeError("left operand should be an MemoryReference") if not isinstance(right, MemoryReference) and not isinstance(right, int) and not isinstance(right, float): raise TypeError("right operand should be an MemoryReference or a numeric literal") self.left = left self.right = right
[docs] def out(self) -> str: return "%s %s %s" % (self.op, self.left, self.right)
[docs]class ClassicalAdd(ArithmeticBinaryOp): """ The ADD instruction. """ op = "ADD"
[docs]class ClassicalSub(ArithmeticBinaryOp): """ The SUB instruction. """ op = "SUB"
[docs]class ClassicalMul(ArithmeticBinaryOp): """ The MUL instruction. """ op = "MUL"
[docs]class ClassicalDiv(ArithmeticBinaryOp): """ The DIV instruction. """ op = "DIV"
[docs]class ClassicalMove(AbstractInstruction): """ The MOVE instruction. WARNING: In pyQuil 2.0, the order of operands is as MOVE <target> <source>. In pyQuil 1.9, the order of operands was MOVE <source> <target>. These have reversed. """ op = "MOVE" def __init__(self, left: MemoryReference, right: Union[MemoryReference, int, float]): if not isinstance(left, MemoryReference): raise TypeError( "Left operand of MOVE should be an MemoryReference. " "Note that the order of the operands in pyQuil 2.0 has reversed from " "the order of pyQuil 1.9 ." ) if not isinstance(right, MemoryReference) and not isinstance(right, int) and not isinstance(right, float): raise TypeError("Right operand of MOVE should be an MemoryReference or a numeric literal") self.left = left self.right = right
[docs] def out(self) -> str: return "%s %s %s" % (self.op, self.left, self.right)
[docs]class ClassicalExchange(AbstractInstruction): """ The EXCHANGE instruction. """ op = "EXCHANGE" def __init__(self, left: MemoryReference, right: MemoryReference): if not isinstance(left, MemoryReference): raise TypeError("left operand should be an MemoryReference") if not isinstance(right, MemoryReference): raise TypeError("right operand should be an MemoryReference") self.left = left self.right = right
[docs] def out(self) -> str: return "%s %s %s" % (self.op, self.left, self.right)
[docs]class ClassicalConvert(AbstractInstruction): """ The CONVERT instruction. """ op = "CONVERT" def __init__(self, left: MemoryReference, right: MemoryReference): if not isinstance(left, MemoryReference): raise TypeError("left operand should be an MemoryReference") if not isinstance(right, MemoryReference): raise TypeError("right operand should be an MemoryReference") self.left = left self.right = right
[docs] def out(self) -> str: return "%s %s %s" % (self.op, self.left, self.right)
[docs]class ClassicalLoad(AbstractInstruction): """ The LOAD instruction. """ op = "LOAD" def __init__(self, target: MemoryReference, left: str, right: MemoryReference): if not isinstance(target, MemoryReference): raise TypeError("target operand should be an MemoryReference") if not isinstance(right, MemoryReference): raise TypeError("right operand should be an MemoryReference") = target self.left = left self.right = right
[docs] def out(self) -> str: return "%s %s %s %s" % (self.op,, self.left, self.right)
[docs]class ClassicalStore(AbstractInstruction): """ The STORE instruction. """ op = "STORE" def __init__(self, target: str, left: MemoryReference, right: Union[MemoryReference, int, float]): if not isinstance(left, MemoryReference): raise TypeError("left operand should be an MemoryReference") if not (isinstance(right, MemoryReference) or isinstance(right, int) or isinstance(right, float)): raise TypeError("right operand should be an MemoryReference or an int or float.") = target self.left = left self.right = right
[docs] def out(self) -> str: return "%s %s %s %s" % (self.op,, self.left, self.right)
[docs]class ClassicalComparison(AbstractInstruction): """ Abstract class for ternary comparison instructions. """ op: ClassVar[str] def __init__( self, target: MemoryReference, left: MemoryReference, right: Union[MemoryReference, int, float], ): if not isinstance(target, MemoryReference): raise TypeError("target operand should be an MemoryReference") if not isinstance(left, MemoryReference): raise TypeError("left operand should be an MemoryReference") if not (isinstance(right, MemoryReference) or isinstance(right, int) or isinstance(right, float)): raise TypeError("right operand should be an MemoryReference or an int or float.") = target self.left = left self.right = right
[docs] def out(self) -> str: return "%s %s %s %s" % (self.op,, self.left, self.right)
[docs]class ClassicalEqual(ClassicalComparison): """ The EQ comparison instruction. """ op = "EQ"
[docs]class ClassicalLessThan(ClassicalComparison): """ The LT comparison instruction. """ op = "LT"
[docs]class ClassicalLessEqual(ClassicalComparison): """ The LE comparison instruction. """ op = "LE"
[docs]class ClassicalGreaterThan(ClassicalComparison): """ The GT comparison instruction. """ op = "GT"
[docs]class ClassicalGreaterEqual(ClassicalComparison): """ The GE comparison instruction. """ op = "GE"
[docs]class Jump(AbstractInstruction): """ Representation of an unconditional jump instruction (JUMP). """ def __init__(self, target: Union[Label, LabelPlaceholder]): if not isinstance(target, (Label, LabelPlaceholder)): raise TypeError("target should be a Label: {target}") = target
[docs] def out(self) -> str: return "JUMP %s" %
[docs]class Pragma(AbstractInstruction): """ A PRAGMA instruction. This is printed in QUIL as:: PRAGMA <command> <arg1> <arg2> ... <argn> "<freeform_string>" """ def __init__( self, command: str, args: Iterable[Union[QubitDesignator, str]] = (), freeform_string: str = "", ): if not isinstance(command, str): raise TypeError(f"Pragma's require an identifier: {command}") if not isinstance(args, raise TypeError(f"Pragma arguments must be an Iterable: {args}") for a in args: if not ( isinstance(a, str) or isinstance(a, int) or isinstance(a, QubitPlaceholder) or isinstance(a, Qubit) ): raise TypeError(f"Pragma arguments must be strings or integers: {a}") if not isinstance(freeform_string, str): raise TypeError(f"The freeform string argument must be a string: {freeform_string}") self.command = command self.args = tuple(args) self.freeform_string = freeform_string
[docs] def out(self) -> str: ret = "PRAGMA {}".format(self.command) if self.args: ret += " {}".format(" ".join(str(a) for a in self.args)) if self.freeform_string: ret += ' "{}"'.format(self.freeform_string) return ret
def __repr__(self) -> str: return "<PRAGMA {}>".format(self.command)
[docs]class Declare(AbstractInstruction): """ A DECLARE directive. This is printed in Quil as:: DECLARE <name> <memory-type> (SHARING <other-name> (OFFSET <amount> <type>)* )? """ def __init__( self, name: str, memory_type: str, memory_size: int = 1, shared_region: Optional[str] = None, offsets: Optional[Iterable[Tuple[int, str]]] = None, ): = name self.memory_type = memory_type self.memory_size = memory_size self.shared_region = shared_region if offsets is None: offsets = [] self.offsets = offsets
[docs] def asdict(self) -> Dict[str, Union[Iterable[Tuple[int, str]], Optional[str], int]]: return { "name":, "memory_type": self.memory_type, "memory_size": self.memory_size, "shared_region": self.shared_region, "offsets": self.offsets, }
[docs] def out(self) -> str: ret = "DECLARE {} {}[{}]".format(, self.memory_type, self.memory_size) if self.shared_region: ret += " SHARING {}".format(self.shared_region) for offset in self.offsets: ret += " OFFSET {} {}".format(offset[0], offset[1]) return ret
def __repr__(self) -> str: return "<DECLARE {}>".format(
[docs]class RawInstr(AbstractInstruction): """ A raw instruction represented as a string. """ def __init__(self, instr_str: str): if not isinstance(instr_str, str): raise TypeError("Raw instructions require a string.") self.instr = instr_str
[docs] def out(self) -> str: return self.instr
def __repr__(self) -> str: return "<RawInstr {}>".format(self.instr)
[docs]class Pulse(AbstractInstruction): def __init__(self, frame: Frame, waveform: Waveform, nonblocking: bool = False): self.frame = frame self.waveform = waveform self.nonblocking = nonblocking
[docs] def out(self) -> str: result = "NONBLOCKING " if self.nonblocking else "" result += f"PULSE {self.frame} {self.waveform.out()}" return result
[docs] def get_qubits(self, indices: bool = True) -> Set[QubitDesignator]: return _get_frame_qubits(self.frame, indices)
[docs]class SetFrequency(AbstractInstruction): def __init__(self, frame: Frame, freq: ParameterDesignator): self.frame = frame self.freq = freq
[docs] def out(self) -> str: return f"SET-FREQUENCY {self.frame} {self.freq}"
[docs] def get_qubits(self, indices: bool = True) -> Set[QubitDesignator]: return _get_frame_qubits(self.frame, indices)
[docs]class ShiftFrequency(AbstractInstruction): def __init__(self, frame: Frame, freq: ParameterDesignator): self.frame = frame self.freq = freq
[docs] def out(self) -> str: return f"SHIFT-FREQUENCY {self.frame} {self.freq}"
[docs] def get_qubits(self, indices: bool = True) -> Set[QubitDesignator]: return _get_frame_qubits(self.frame, indices)
[docs]class SetPhase(AbstractInstruction): def __init__(self, frame: Frame, phase: ParameterDesignator): self.frame = frame self.phase = phase
[docs] def out(self) -> str: return f"SET-PHASE {self.frame} {self.phase}"
[docs] def get_qubits(self, indices: bool = True) -> Set[QubitDesignator]: return _get_frame_qubits(self.frame, indices)
[docs]class ShiftPhase(AbstractInstruction): def __init__(self, frame: Frame, phase: ParameterDesignator): self.frame = frame self.phase = phase
[docs] def out(self) -> str: return f"SHIFT-PHASE {self.frame} {self.phase}"
[docs] def get_qubits(self, indices: bool = True) -> Set[QubitDesignator]: return _get_frame_qubits(self.frame, indices)
[docs]@versionadded(version="3.5.1", reason="The correct instruction is SWAP-PHASES, not SWAP-PHASE") class SwapPhases(AbstractInstruction): def __init__(self, frameA: Frame, frameB: Frame): self.frameA = frameA self.frameB = frameB
[docs] def out(self) -> str: return f"SWAP-PHASES {self.frameA} {self.frameB}"
[docs] def get_qubits(self, indices: bool = True) -> Set[QubitDesignator]: return _get_frame_qubits(self.frameA, indices) | _get_frame_qubits(self.frameB, indices)
[docs]@deprecated(version="3.5.1", reason="The correct instruction is SWAP-PHASES, not SWAP-PHASE") class SwapPhase(SwapPhases): pass
[docs]class SetScale(AbstractInstruction): def __init__(self, frame: Frame, scale: ParameterDesignator): self.frame = frame self.scale = scale
[docs] def out(self) -> str: return f"SET-SCALE {self.frame} {self.scale}"
[docs] def get_qubits(self, indices: bool = True) -> Set[QubitDesignator]: return _get_frame_qubits(self.frame, indices)
[docs]class Capture(AbstractInstruction): def __init__( self, frame: Frame, kernel: Waveform, memory_region: MemoryReference, nonblocking: bool = False, ): self.frame = frame self.kernel = kernel self.memory_region = memory_region self.nonblocking = nonblocking
[docs] def out(self) -> str: result = "NONBLOCKING " if self.nonblocking else "" result += f"CAPTURE {self.frame} {self.kernel.out()}" result += f" {self.memory_region.out()}" if self.memory_region else "" return result
[docs] def get_qubits(self, indices: bool = True) -> Set[QubitDesignator]: return _get_frame_qubits(self.frame, indices)
[docs]class RawCapture(AbstractInstruction): def __init__( self, frame: Frame, duration: float, memory_region: MemoryReference, nonblocking: bool = False, ): self.frame = frame self.duration = duration self.memory_region = memory_region self.nonblocking = nonblocking
[docs] def out(self) -> str: result = "NONBLOCKING " if self.nonblocking else "" result += f"RAW-CAPTURE {self.frame} {self.duration} {self.memory_region.out()}" return result
[docs] def get_qubits(self, indices: bool = True) -> Set[QubitDesignator]: return _get_frame_qubits(self.frame, indices)
[docs]class DelayFrames(AbstractInstruction): def __init__(self, frames: List[Frame], duration: float): # all frames should be on the same qubits if len(frames) == 0: raise ValueError("DELAY expected nonempty list of frames.") if len(set(tuple(f.qubits) for f in frames)) != 1: raise ValueError("DELAY with explicit frames requires all frames are on the same qubits.") self.frames = frames self.duration = duration
[docs] def out(self) -> str: qubits = self.frames[0].qubits ret = "DELAY " + _format_qubits_str(qubits) for f in self.frames: ret += f' "{}"' ret += f" {self.duration}" return ret
[docs]class DelayQubits(AbstractInstruction): def __init__(self, qubits: List[Union[Qubit, FormalArgument]], duration: float): self.qubits = qubits self.duration = duration
[docs] def out(self) -> str: return f"DELAY {_format_qubits_str(self.qubits)} {self.duration}"
[docs]class FenceAll(SimpleInstruction): """ The FENCE instruction. """ op = "FENCE"
[docs]class Fence(AbstractInstruction): def __init__(self, qubits: List[Union[Qubit, FormalArgument]]): self.qubits = qubits
[docs] def out(self) -> str: ret = "FENCE " + _format_qubits_str(self.qubits) return ret
[docs]class DefWaveform(AbstractInstruction): def __init__( self, name: str, parameters: List[Parameter], entries: List[Union[Complex, Expression]], ): = name self.parameters = parameters self.entries = entries for e in entries: if not isinstance(e, (Complex, Expression)): raise TypeError(f"Unsupported waveform entry {e}")
[docs] def out(self) -> str: ret = f"DEFWAVEFORM {}" # TODO: simplify this if len(self.parameters) > 0: first_param, *params = self.parameters ret += f"({first_param}" for param in params: ret += f", {param}" ret += ")" ret += ":\n " ret += ", ".join(map(_complex_str, self.entries)) return ret
[docs]class DefCalibration(AbstractInstruction): def __init__( self, name: str, parameters: List[ParameterDesignator], qubits: List[Union[Qubit, FormalArgument]], instrs: List[AbstractInstruction], ): = name self.parameters = parameters self.qubits = qubits self.instrs = instrs
[docs] def out(self) -> str: ret = f"DEFCAL {}" if len(self.parameters) > 0: ret += _format_params(self.parameters) ret += " " + _format_qubits_str(self.qubits) + ":\n" for instr in self.instrs: ret += f" {instr.out()}\n" return ret
[docs]class DefMeasureCalibration(AbstractInstruction): def __init__( self, qubit: Union[Qubit, FormalArgument], memory_reference: Optional[MemoryReference], instrs: List[AbstractInstruction], ): = "MEASURE" self.qubit = qubit self.memory_reference = memory_reference self.instrs = instrs
[docs] def out(self) -> str: ret = f"DEFCAL MEASURE {self.qubit}" if self.memory_reference is not None: ret += f" {self.memory_reference}" ret += ":\n" for instr in self.instrs: ret += f" {instr.out()}\n" return ret
[docs]@dataclass class DefFrame(AbstractInstruction): frame: Frame """ The frame being defined. """ direction: Optional[str] = None """ The direction of the frame, i.e. 'tx' or 'rx'. """ initial_frequency: Optional[float] = None """ The initial frequency of the frame. """ hardware_object: Optional[str] = None """ The name of the hardware object associated to the frame. """ sample_rate: Optional[float] = None """ The sample rate of the frame [Hz]. """ center_frequency: Optional[float] = None """ The 'center' frequency of the frame, used for detuning arithmetic. """ enable_raw_capture: Optional[str] = None """ A flag signalling that raw capture is enabled for this frame. """ channel_delay: Optional[float] = None """ The amount to delay this frame, to account for hardware signal offsets [seconds]. """
[docs] def out(self) -> str: r = f"DEFFRAME {self.frame.out()}" options = [ (self.direction, "DIRECTION"), (self.initial_frequency, "INITIAL-FREQUENCY"), (self.center_frequency, "CENTER-FREQUENCY"), (self.hardware_object, "HARDWARE-OBJECT"), (self.sample_rate, "SAMPLE-RATE"), (self.enable_raw_capture, "ENABLE-RAW-CAPTURE"), (self.channel_delay, "CHANNEL-DELAY"), ] if any(value for (value, name) in options): r += ":" for value, name in options: if value is None: continue else: r += f"\n {name}: {json.dumps(value)}" return r + "\n"