Source code for pyquil.quiltwaveforms

from copy import copy
from dataclasses import dataclass
from numbers import Complex, Real
from typing import Callable, Dict, Union, List, Optional, no_type_check

import numpy as np
from scipy.special import erf

from pyquil.quilatom import TemplateWaveform, _update_envelope, _complex_str, Expression, substitute

_waveform_classes: Dict[str, type] = {}
"""A mapping from Quil-T waveform names to their corresponding classes.

This should not be mutated directly, but rather filled by the @waveform

[docs]def waveform(name: str) -> Callable[[type], type]: """Define a Quil-T wavefom with the given name.""" def wrap(cls: type) -> type: cls: type = dataclass(cls) _waveform_classes[name] = cls return cls return wrap
@no_type_check def _wf_from_dict(name: str, params: Dict[str, Union[Expression, Real, Complex]]) -> TemplateWaveform: """Construct a TemplateWaveform from a name and a dictionary of properties. :param name: The Quil-T name of the template. :param params: A mapping from parameter names to their corresponding values. :returns: A template waveform. """ params = copy(params) if name not in _waveform_classes: raise ValueError(f"Unknown template waveform {name}.") cls = _waveform_classes[name] fields = getattr(cls, "__dataclass_fields__", {}) for param, value in params.items(): if param not in fields: raise ValueError(f"Unexpected parameter '{param}' in {name}.") if isinstance(value, Expression): value = substitute(value, {}) if isinstance(value, Real): # normalize to float params[param] = float(value) elif isinstance(value, Complex): # no normalization needed pass else: raise ValueError(f"Unable to resolve parameter '{param}' in template {name} to a constant value.") for field, spec in fields.items(): if field not in params and spec.default is not None: raise ValueError(f"Missing parameter '{field}' in {name}.") return cls(**params) def _optional_field_strs(wf: TemplateWaveform) -> List[str]: """Get the printed representations of optional template parameters.""" result = [] for field, spec in getattr(wf, "__dataclass_fields__", {}).items(): if spec.default is None: value = getattr(wf, field, None) if value is not None: result.append(f"{field}: {value}") return result
[docs]@waveform("flat") class FlatWaveform(TemplateWaveform): """ A flat (constant) waveform. """ iq: Complex """ A raw IQ value. """ scale: Optional[float] = None """ An optional global scaling factor. """ phase: Optional[float] = None """ An optional phase shift factor. """ detuning: Optional[float] = None """ An optional frequency detuning factor. """
[docs] def out(self) -> str: output = "flat(" output += ", ".join([f"duration: {self.duration}", f"iq: {_complex_str(}"] + _optional_field_strs(self)) output += ")" return output
def __str__(self) -> str: return self.out()
[docs] def samples(self, rate: float) -> np.ndarray: iqs = np.full(self.num_samples(rate),, dtype=np.complex128) return _update_envelope(iqs, rate, scale=self.scale, phase=self.phase, detuning=self.detuning)
[docs]@waveform("gaussian") class GaussianWaveform(TemplateWaveform): """A Gaussian pulse.""" fwhm: float """ The Full-Width-Half-Max of the Gaussian (seconds). """ t0: float """ The center time coordinate of the Gaussian (seconds). """ scale: Optional[float] = None """ An optional global scaling factor. """ phase: Optional[float] = None """ An optional phase shift factor. """ detuning: Optional[float] = None """ An optional frequency detuning factor. """
[docs] def out(self) -> str: output = "gaussian(" output += ", ".join( [f"duration: {self.duration}", f"fwhm: {self.fwhm}", f"t0: {self.t0}"] + _optional_field_strs(self) ) output += ")" return output
def __str__(self) -> str: return self.out()
[docs] def samples(self, rate: float) -> np.ndarray: ts = np.arange(self.num_samples(rate), dtype=np.complex128) / rate sigma = 0.5 * self.fwhm / np.sqrt(2.0 * np.log(2.0)) iqs = np.exp(-0.5 * (ts - self.t0) ** 2 / sigma**2) return _update_envelope(iqs, rate, scale=self.scale, phase=self.phase, detuning=self.detuning)
[docs]@waveform("drag_gaussian") class DragGaussianWaveform(TemplateWaveform): """A DRAG Gaussian pulse.""" fwhm: float """ The Full-Width-Half-Max of the gaussian (seconds). """ t0: float """ The center time coordinate of the Gaussian (seconds). """ anh: float """ The anharmonicity of the qubit, f01-f12 (Hertz). """ alpha: float """ Dimensionles DRAG parameter. """ scale: Optional[float] = None """ An optional global scaling factor. """ phase: Optional[float] = None """ An optional phase shift factor. """ detuning: Optional[float] = None """ An optional frequency detuning factor. """
[docs] def out(self) -> str: output = "drag_gaussian(" output += ", ".join( [ f"duration: {self.duration}", f"fwhm: {self.fwhm}", f"t0: {self.t0}", f"anh: {self.anh}", f"alpha: {self.alpha}", ] + _optional_field_strs(self) ) output += ")" return output
def __str__(self) -> str: return self.out()
[docs] def samples(self, rate: float) -> np.ndarray: ts = np.arange(self.num_samples(rate), dtype=np.complex128) / rate sigma = 0.5 * self.fwhm / np.sqrt(2.0 * np.log(2.0)) env = np.exp(-0.5 * (ts - self.t0) ** 2 / sigma**2) env_der = (self.alpha * (1.0 / (2 * np.pi * self.anh * sigma**2))) * (ts - self.t0) * env iqs = env + 1.0j * env_der return _update_envelope(iqs, rate, scale=self.scale, phase=self.phase, detuning=self.detuning)
[docs]@waveform("hrm_gaussian") class HrmGaussianWaveform(TemplateWaveform): """A Hermite Gaussian waveform. REFERENCE: Effects of arbitrary laser or NMR pulse shapes on population inversion and coherence Warren S. Warren. 81, (1984); doi: 10.1063/1.447644 """ fwhm: float """ The Full-Width-Half-Max of the Gaussian (seconds). """ t0: float """ The center time coordinate of the Gaussian (seconds). """ anh: float """ The anharmonicity of the qubit, f01-f12 (Hertz). """ alpha: float """ Dimensionles DRAG parameter. """ second_order_hrm_coeff: float """ Second order coefficient (see Warren 1984). """ scale: Optional[float] = None """ An optional global scaling factor. """ phase: Optional[float] = None """ An optional phase shift factor. """ detuning: Optional[float] = None """ An optional frequency detuning factor. """
[docs] def out(self) -> str: output = "hrm_gaussian(" output += ", ".join( [ f"duration: {self.duration}", f"fwhm: {self.fwhm}", f"t0: {self.t0}", f"anh: {self.anh}", f"alpha: {self.alpha}", f"second_order_hrm_coeff: {self.second_order_hrm_coeff}", ] + _optional_field_strs(self) ) output += ")" return output
def __str__(self) -> str: return self.out()
[docs] def samples(self, rate: float) -> np.ndarray: ts = np.arange(self.num_samples(rate), dtype=np.complex128) / rate sigma = 0.5 * self.fwhm / np.sqrt(2.0 * np.log(2.0)) exponent_of_t = 0.5 * (ts - self.t0) ** 2 / sigma**2 gauss = np.exp(-exponent_of_t) env = (1 - self.second_order_hrm_coeff * exponent_of_t) * gauss deriv_prefactor = -self.alpha / (2 * np.pi * self.anh) env_der = ( deriv_prefactor * (ts - self.t0) / (sigma**2) * gauss * (self.second_order_hrm_coeff * (exponent_of_t - 1) - 1) ) iqs = env + 1.0j * env_der return _update_envelope(iqs, rate, scale=self.scale, phase=self.phase, detuning=self.detuning)
[docs]@waveform("erf_square") class ErfSquareWaveform(TemplateWaveform): """A pulse with a flat top and edges that are error functions (erf).""" risetime: float """ The width of each of the rise and fall sections of the pulse (seconds). """ pad_left: float """ Amount of zero-padding to add to the left of the pulse (seconds).""" pad_right: float """ Amount of zero-padding to add to the right of the pulse (seconds). """ scale: Optional[float] = None """ An optional global scaling factor. """ phase: Optional[float] = None """ An optional phase shift factor. """ detuning: Optional[float] = None """ An optional frequency detuning factor. """
[docs] def out(self) -> str: output = "erf_square(" output += ", ".join( [ f"duration: {self.duration}", f"risetime: {self.risetime}", f"pad_left: {self.pad_left}", f"pad_right: {self.pad_right}", ] + _optional_field_strs(self) ) output += ")" return output
def __str__(self) -> str: return self.out()
[docs] def samples(self, rate: float) -> np.ndarray: ts = np.arange(self.num_samples(rate), dtype=np.complex128) / rate fwhm = 0.5 * self.risetime t1 = fwhm t2 = self.duration - fwhm sigma = 0.5 * fwhm / np.sqrt(2.0 * np.log(2.0)) vals = 0.5 * (erf((ts - t1) / sigma) - erf((ts - t2) / sigma)) zeros_left = np.zeros(int(np.ceil(self.pad_left * rate)), dtype=np.complex128) zeros_right = np.zeros(int(np.ceil(self.pad_right * rate)), dtype=np.complex128) iqs = np.concatenate((zeros_left, vals, zeros_right)) # type: ignore return _update_envelope(iqs, rate, scale=self.scale, phase=self.phase, detuning=self.detuning)
[docs]@waveform("boxcar_kernel") class BoxcarAveragerKernel(TemplateWaveform): scale: Optional[float] = None """ An optional global scaling factor. """ phase: Optional[float] = None """ An optional phase shift factor. """ detuning: Optional[float] = None """ An optional frequency detuning factor. """
[docs] def out(self) -> str: output = "boxcar_kernel(" output += ", ".join([f"duration: {self.duration}"] + _optional_field_strs(self)) output += ")" return output
def __str__(self) -> str: return self.out()
[docs] def samples(self, rate: float) -> np.ndarray: n = self.num_samples(rate) iqs = np.full(n, 1.0 / n, dtype=np.complex128) return _update_envelope(iqs, rate, scale=self.scale, phase=self.phase, detuning=self.detuning)