# Copyright 2016-2019 Rigetti Computing
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Schema definition of a Experiment, a collection of ExperimentSetting objects and a main program body (or ansatz).
This schema is widely useful for defining and executing many common types of algorithms / applications, including state
and process tomography, and the variational quantum eigensolver.
import json
import logging
import warnings
from collections.abc import Generator, Mapping, Sequence
from json import JSONEncoder
from typing import (
from pyquil.experiment._calibration import CalibrationMethod
from pyquil.experiment._memory import (
from pyquil.experiment._program import (
from pyquil.experiment._result import ExperimentResult
from pyquil.experiment._setting import ExperimentSetting, TensorProductState, _OneQState
from pyquil.experiment._symmetrization import SymmetrizationLevel
from pyquil.gates import RESET
from pyquil.paulis import PauliTerm, is_identity
from pyquil.quil import Program
from pyquil.quilbase import Reset, ResetQubit
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _abbrev_program(program: Program, max_len: int = 10) -> str:
"""Create an abbreviated string representation of a Program.
This will join all instructions onto a single line joined by '; '. If the number of
instructions exceeds ``max_len``, some will be excluded from the string representation.
program_lines = program.out().splitlines()
if max_len is not None and len(program_lines) > max_len:
first_n = max_len // 2
last_n = max_len - first_n
excluded = len(program_lines) - max_len
program_lines = program_lines[:first_n] + [f"... {excluded} instrs not shown ..."] + program_lines[-last_n:]
return " " + "\n ".join(program_lines)
def _remove_reset_from_program(program: Program) -> Program:
"""Trim the RESET from a program because in measure_observables it is re-added.
:param program: Program to remove RESET(s) from.
:return: Trimmed Program.
p = program.copy_everything_except_instructions()
for inst in program:
if not isinstance(inst, (Reset, ResetQubit)):
return p
class Experiment:
"""A tomography-like experiment.
Many near-term quantum algorithms involve:
- some limited state preparation
- enacting a quantum process (like in tomography) or preparing a variational ansatz state
(like in VQE)
- measuring observables of the state.
Where we typically use a large number of (state_prep, measure) pairs but keep the ansatz
program consistent. This class stores the ansatz program as a :py:class:`~pyquil.Program`
and maintains a list of :py:class:`ExperimentSetting` objects which each represent a
(state_prep, measure) pair.
Settings diagonalized by a shared tensor product basis (TPB) can (optionally) be estimated
simultaneously. Therefore, this class is backed by a list of list of ExperimentSettings.
Settings sharing an inner list will be estimated simultaneously. If you don't want this,
provide a list of length-1-lists. As a convenience, if you pass a 1D list to the constructor
will expand it to a list of length-1-lists.
This class will not group settings for you. Please see :py:func:`group_experiments` for
a function that will automatically process a Experiment to group Experiments sharing
a TPB.
:ivar settings: The collection of ExperimentSetting objects that define this experiment.
:ivar program: The main program body of this experiment. Also determines the ``shots``
and ``reset`` instance variables. The ``shots`` instance variable is the number of
shots to take per ExperimentSetting. The ``reset`` instance variable is whether to
actively reset qubits instead of waiting several times the coherence length for qubits
to decay to ``|0>`` naturally. Setting this to True is much faster but there is a ~1%
error per qubit in the reset operation. Thermal noise from "traditional" reset is not
routinely characterized but is of the same order.
:ivar symmetrization: the level of readout symmetrization to perform for the estimation
and optional calibration of each observable. The following integer levels, encapsulated in
the ``SymmetrizationLevel`` integer enum, are currently supported:
* -1 -- exhaustive symmetrization uses every possible combination of flips
* 0 -- no symmetrization
* 1 -- symmetrization using an orthogonal array (OA) with strength 1
* 2 -- symmetrization using an orthogonal array (OA) with strength 2
* 3 -- symmetrization using an orthogonal array (OA) with strength 3
Note that (default) exhaustive symmetrization requires a number of QPU calls exponential in
the number of qubits in the union of the support of the observables in any group of settings
in ``tomo_experiment``; the number of shots may need to be increased to accommodate this.
see :py:func:`run_symmetrized_readout` in api._quantum_computer for more information.
def __init__(
settings: Union[list[ExperimentSetting], list[list[ExperimentSetting]]],
program: Program,
symmetrization: int = SymmetrizationLevel.EXHAUSTIVE,
calibration: int = CalibrationMethod.PLUS_EIGENSTATE,
if len(settings) == 0:
s: list[list[ExperimentSetting]] = []
if isinstance(settings[0], ExperimentSetting):
# convenience wrapping in lists of length 1
s = [[expt] for expt in cast(list[ExperimentSetting], settings)]
s = cast(list[list[ExperimentSetting]], settings)
self._settings = s
self.program = program
self.symmetrization = SymmetrizationLevel(symmetrization)
if self.symmetrization != SymmetrizationLevel.EXHAUSTIVE:
if isinstance(calibration, int) and calibration != 0:
"Calibration is only supported for exhaustive symmetrization, "
"thus setting self.calibration = 0 (CalibrationMethod.NONE).",
self.calibration = CalibrationMethod.NONE
self.calibration = CalibrationMethod(calibration)
self.shots = self.program.num_shots
if "RESET" in self.program.out():
self.reset = True
self.program = _remove_reset_from_program(self.program)
self.reset = False
def __len__(self) -> int:
return len(self._settings)
def __getitem__(self, item: int) -> list[ExperimentSetting]:
return self._settings[item]
def __setitem__(self, key: int, value: list[ExperimentSetting]) -> None:
self._settings[key] = value
def __delitem__(self, key: int) -> None:
def __iter__(self) -> Generator[list[ExperimentSetting], None, None]:
yield from self._settings
def __reversed__(self) -> Generator[list[ExperimentSetting], None, None]:
yield from reversed(self._settings)
def __contains__(self, item: list[ExperimentSetting]) -> bool:
return item in self._settings
def append(self, expts: Union[ExperimentSetting, list[ExperimentSetting]]) -> None:
if not isinstance(expts, list):
expts = [expts]
def count(self, expt: list[ExperimentSetting]) -> int:
return self._settings.count(expt)
def index(self, expt: list[ExperimentSetting], start: int = 0, stop: int = 0) -> int:
return self._settings.index(expt, start, stop)
def extend(self, expts: list[list[ExperimentSetting]]) -> None:
def insert(self, index: int, expt: list[ExperimentSetting]) -> None:
self._settings.insert(index, expt)
def pop(self, index: int = 0) -> list[ExperimentSetting]:
return self._settings.pop(index)
def remove(self, expt: list[ExperimentSetting]) -> None:
def reverse(self) -> None:
def sort(self, key: Optional[Callable[[list[ExperimentSetting]], Any]] = None, reverse: bool = False) -> None:
return self._settings.sort(key=key, reverse=reverse)
def setting_strings(self) -> Generator[str, None, None]:
yield from (
"{i}: {st_str}".format(i=i, st_str=", ".join(str(setting) for setting in settings))
for i, settings in enumerate(self._settings)
def settings_string(self, abbrev_after: Optional[int] = None) -> str:
setting_strs = list(self.setting_strings())
if abbrev_after is not None and len(setting_strs) > abbrev_after:
first_n = abbrev_after // 2
last_n = abbrev_after - first_n
excluded = len(setting_strs) - abbrev_after
setting_strs = setting_strs[:first_n] + [f"... {excluded} settings not shown ..."] + setting_strs[-last_n:]
return " " + "\n ".join(setting_strs)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
string = f"shots: {self.shots}\n"
if self.reset:
string += "active reset: enabled\n"
string += "active reset: disabled\n"
string += f"symmetrization: {self.symmetrization} ({self.symmetrization.name.lower()})\n"
string += f"calibration: {self.calibration} ({self.calibration.name.lower()})\n"
string += f"program:\n{_abbrev_program(self.program)}\n"
string += f"settings:\n{self.settings_string(abbrev_after=20)}"
return string
def serializable(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
return {
"type": "Experiment",
"settings": self._settings,
"program": self.program.out(),
"symmetrization": self.symmetrization,
"shots": self.shots,
"reset": self.reset,
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
if not isinstance(other, Experiment):
return False
return self.serializable() == other.serializable()
def get_meas_qubits(self) -> list[int]:
"""Return the sorted list of qubits involved in all out_operators of this Experiment object's settings."""
meas_qubits: set[int] = set()
for settings in self:
if len(settings) != 1:
raise ValueError("Can't get the measured qubits of grouped ExperimentSettings.")
meas_qubits.update(cast(list[int], settings[0].out_operator.get_qubits()))
return sorted(meas_qubits)
def get_meas_registers(self, qubits: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None) -> list[int]:
"""Return the sorted list of memory registers corresponding to the list of qubits provided.
If no qubits are provided, just returns the list of numbers from 0 to n-1 where n is the
number of qubits resulting from the ``get_meas_qubits`` method.
meas_qubits = self.get_meas_qubits()
if qubits is None:
return list(range(len(meas_qubits)))
meas_registers = []
for q in qubits:
return sorted(meas_registers)
def generate_experiment_program(self) -> Program:
"""Generate a parameterized program with the main body and additions for state prep, measurement, and symmetrization.
State preparation and measurement are achieved via ZXZXZ-decomposed single-qubit gates,
where the angles of each ``RZ`` rotation are declared parameters that can be assigned at
runtime. Symmetrization is achieved by putting an ``RX`` gate (also parameterized by a
declared value) before each ``MEASURE`` operation. In addition, a ``RESET`` operation
is prepended to the ``Program`` if the experiment has active qubit reset enabled. Finally,
each qubit specified in the settings is measured, and the number of shots is added.
:return: Parameterized ``Program`` that is capable of collecting statistics for every
``ExperimentSetting`` in this ``Experiment``.
meas_qubits = self.get_meas_qubits()
p = Program()
if self.reset:
if any(isinstance(instr, (Reset, ResetQubit)) for instr in self.program):
raise ValueError("RESET already added to program")
p += RESET()
for settings in self:
if len(settings) != 1:
raise ValueError("Can't generate a program for grouped ExperimentSettings.")
if ("X" in str(settings[0].in_state)) or ("Y" in str(settings[0].in_state)):
if "DECLARE preparation_alpha" in self.program.out():
raise ValueError('Memory "preparation_alpha" has been declared already.')
if "DECLARE preparation_beta" in self.program.out():
raise ValueError('Memory "preparation_beta" has been declared already.')
if "DECLARE preparation_gamma" in self.program.out():
raise ValueError('Memory "preparation_gamma" has been declared already.')
p += parameterized_single_qubit_state_preparation(meas_qubits)
p += self.program
for settings in self:
if len(settings) != 1:
raise ValueError("Can't generate a program for grouped ExperimentSettings.")
if ("X" in str(settings[0].out_operator)) or ("Y" in str(settings[0].out_operator)):
if "DECLARE measurement_alpha" in self.program.out():
raise ValueError('Memory "measurement_alpha" has been declared already.')
if "DECLARE measurement_beta" in self.program.out():
raise ValueError('Memory "measurement_beta" has been declared already.')
if "DECLARE measurement_gamma" in self.program.out():
raise ValueError('Memory "measurement_gamma" has been declared already.')
p += parameterized_single_qubit_measurement_basis(meas_qubits)
if self.symmetrization != 0:
if "DECLARE symmetrization" in self.program.out():
raise ValueError('Memory "symmetrization" has been declared already.')
p += parameterized_readout_symmetrization(meas_qubits)
if "DECLARE ro" in self.program.out():
raise ValueError('Memory "ro" has already been declared for this program.')
p += measure_qubits(meas_qubits)
return p
def build_setting_memory_map(self, setting: ExperimentSetting) -> dict[str, list[float]]:
"""Build the memory map for state prep and measurement specs in the ExperimentSetting, considering all qubits.
The memory map is built corresponding to the state preparation and measurement specifications encoded in the
provided ExperimentSetting, taking into account the full set of qubits present in the Experiment object.
:return: Memory map for state prep and measurement.
meas_qubits = self.get_meas_qubits()
in_pt = PauliTerm.from_list([(op, meas_qubits.index(cast(int, q))) for q, op in setting._in_operator()])
out_pt = PauliTerm.from_list([(op, meas_qubits.index(cast(int, q))) for q, op in setting.out_operator])
preparation_map = pauli_term_to_preparation_memory_map(in_pt)
measurement_map = pauli_term_to_measurement_memory_map(out_pt)
return {**preparation_map, **measurement_map}
def build_symmetrization_memory_maps(
self, qubits: Sequence[int], label: str = "symmetrization"
) -> list[dict[str, list[float]]]:
"""Build a list of memory maps for readout symmetrization in a program using parametric compilation.
For example, if we have the following program:
RX(symmetrization[0]) 0
RX(symmetrization[1]) 1
MEASURE 0 ro[0]
MEASURE 1 ro[1]
We can perform exhaustive readout symmetrization on our two qubits by providing the four
following memory maps, and then appropriately flipping the resultant bitstrings:
{'symmetrization': [0.0, 0.0]} -> XOR results with [0,0]
{'symmetrization': [0.0, pi]} -> XOR results with [0,1]
{'symmetrization': [pi, 0.0]} -> XOR results with [1,0]
{'symmetrization': [pi, pi]} -> XOR results with [1,1]
:param qubits: List of qubits to symmetrize readout for.
:param label: Name of the declared memory region. Defaults to "symmetrization".
:return: List of memory maps that performs the desired level of symmetrization.
num_meas_registers = len(self.get_meas_qubits())
symm_registers = self.get_meas_registers(qubits)
if self.symmetrization == SymmetrizationLevel.NONE:
return [{}]
# TODO: add support for orthogonal arrays
if self.symmetrization != SymmetrizationLevel.EXHAUSTIVE:
raise ValueError("We only support exhaustive symmetrization for now.")
import itertools
import numpy as np
assignments = itertools.product(np.array([0, np.pi]), repeat=len(symm_registers))
memory_maps = []
for a in assignments:
zeros = np.zeros(num_meas_registers)
for idx, r in enumerate(symm_registers):
zeros[r] = a[idx]
memory_maps.append({f"{label}": list(zeros)})
return memory_maps
def generate_calibration_experiment(self) -> "Experiment":
"""Generate an Experiment for calibrating multi-qubit observables to mitigate readout errors.
Generate another Experiment object to calibrate the various multi-qubit observables involved in this Experiment.
This is done by preparing the plus-one (minus-one) eigenstate of each out_operator and measuring the resulting
expectation value of the same out_operator. Ideally, this should always yield +1 (-1), but the presence of
symmetric readout error scales the results by a constant factor. Determining this scale factor is known as
readout calibration, allowing for error mitigation in subsequent measurements by dividing by the scale factor.
:return: A new ``Experiment`` that can calibrate the readout error of all the observables involved in
this experiment.
if self.calibration != CalibrationMethod.PLUS_EIGENSTATE:
raise ValueError('We currently only support the "plus eigenstate" calibration method.')
calibration_settings = []
for settings in self:
if len(settings) != 1:
raise ValueError("Can't generate calibration experiment with grouped ExperimentSettings.")
calibration_program = Program()
if self.reset:
calibration_program += RESET()
if self.symmetrization != SymmetrizationLevel.EXHAUSTIVE:
raise ValueError("We currently only support calibration for exhaustive symmetrization")
return Experiment(
def _pauli_to_product_state(in_state: PauliTerm) -> TensorProductState:
"""Convert a Pauli term to a TensorProductState."""
if is_identity(in_state):
return TensorProductState()
return TensorProductState(
_OneQState(label=pauli_label, index=0, qubit=cast(int, qubit))
for qubit, pauli_label in in_state._ops.items()
class OperatorEncoder(JSONEncoder):
def default(self, o: Any) -> Any:
if isinstance(o, ExperimentSetting):
return o.serializable()
if isinstance(o, Experiment):
return o.serializable()
if isinstance(o, ExperimentResult):
return o.serializable()
return o
def to_json(fn: str, obj: Any) -> str:
"""Save pyquil.experiment objects as a JSON file.
See :py:func:`read_json`.
# Specify UTF-8 to guard against systems that default to an ASCII locale.
with open(fn, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
json.dump(obj, f, cls=OperatorEncoder, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False)
return fn
def _operator_object_hook(obj: Mapping[str, Any]) -> Union[Mapping[str, Any], Experiment]:
if "type" in obj and obj["type"] in ["Experiment", "TomographyExperiment"]:
# I bet this doesn't work for grouped experiment settings
settings = [[ExperimentSetting.from_str(s) for s in stt] for stt in obj["settings"]]
p = Program(obj["program"])
ex = Experiment(settings=settings, program=p, symmetrization=obj["symmetrization"])
ex.reset = obj["reset"]
return ex
return obj
def read_json(fn: str) -> Any:
"""Read pyquil.experiment objects from a JSON file.
See :py:func:`to_json`.
# Specify UTF-8 to guard against systems that default to an ASCII locale.
with open(fn, encoding="utf-8") as f:
return json.load(f, object_hook=_operator_object_hook)