Source code for pyquil.experiment._result

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Schema definition of an ExperimentResult, which encapsulates the outcome of a collection of
measurements that are aimed at estimating the expectation value of some observable.
import logging
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union

import numpy as np

from pyquil.experiment._setting import ExperimentSetting

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class ExperimentResult: """An expectation and standard deviation for the measurement of one experiment setting in a tomographic experiment. In the case of readout error calibration, we also include expectation, standard deviation and count for the calibration results, as well as the expectation and standard deviation for the corrected results. """ setting: ExperimentSetting expectation: Union[float, complex] total_counts: int std_err: Optional[Union[float, complex]] = None raw_expectation: Optional[Union[float, complex]] = None raw_std_err: Optional[float] = None calibration_expectation: Optional[Union[float, complex]] = None calibration_std_err: Optional[Union[float, complex]] = None calibration_counts: Optional[int] = None additional_results: Optional[List["ExperimentResult"]] = None def __init__( self, setting: ExperimentSetting, expectation: Union[float, complex], total_counts: int, std_err: Optional[Union[float, complex]] = None, raw_expectation: Optional[Union[float, complex]] = None, raw_std_err: Optional[Union[float, complex]] = None, calibration_expectation: Optional[Union[float, complex]] = None, calibration_std_err: Optional[Union[float, complex]] = None, calibration_counts: Optional[int] = None, additional_results: Optional[List["ExperimentResult"]] = None, ): object.__setattr__(self, "setting", setting) object.__setattr__(self, "expectation", expectation) object.__setattr__(self, "total_counts", total_counts) object.__setattr__(self, "raw_expectation", raw_expectation) object.__setattr__(self, "calibration_expectation", calibration_expectation) object.__setattr__(self, "calibration_counts", calibration_counts) object.__setattr__(self, "additional_results", additional_results) object.__setattr__(self, "std_err", std_err) object.__setattr__(self, "raw_std_err", raw_std_err) object.__setattr__(self, "calibration_std_err", calibration_std_err) def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{self.setting}: {self.expectation} +- {self.std_err}" def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"ExperimentResult[{self}]"
[docs] def serializable(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return { "type": "ExperimentResult", "setting": self.setting, "expectation": self.expectation, "std_err": self.std_err, "total_counts": self.total_counts, "raw_expectation": self.raw_expectation, "raw_std_err": self.raw_std_err, "calibration_expectation": self.calibration_expectation, "calibration_std_err": self.calibration_std_err, "calibration_counts": self.calibration_counts, }
[docs]def bitstrings_to_expectations( bitstrings: np.ndarray, joint_expectations: Optional[List[List[int]]] = None ) -> np.ndarray: """ Given an array of bitstrings (each of which is represented as an array of bits), map them to expectation values and return the desired joint expectation values. If no joint expectations are desired, then just the 1 -> -1, 0 -> 1 mapping is performed. :param bitstrings: Array of bitstrings to map. :param joint_expectations: Joint expectation values to calculate. Each entry is a list which contains the qubits to use in calculating the joint expectation value. Entries of length one just calculate single-qubit expectation values. Defaults to None, which is equivalent to the list of single-qubit expectations [[0], [1], ..., [n-1]] for bitstrings of length n. :return: An array of expectation values, of the same length as the array of bitstrings. The "width" could be different than the length of an individual bitstring (n) depending on the value of the ``joint_expectations`` parameter. """ expectations: np.ndarray = 1 - 2 * bitstrings if joint_expectations is None: return expectations region_size = len(expectations[0]) e = [] for c in joint_expectations: where = np.zeros(region_size, dtype=bool) where[c] = True e.append([:, where], axis=1)) return np.stack(e, axis=-1)
[docs]def correct_experiment_result( result: ExperimentResult, calibration: ExperimentResult, ) -> ExperimentResult: """ Given a raw, unmitigated result and its associated readout calibration, produce the result absent readout error. :param result: An ``ExperimentResult`` object with unmitigated readout error. :param calibration: An ``ExperimentResult`` object resulting from running readout calibration on the ``ExperimentSetting`` associated with the ``result`` parameter. :return: An ``ExperimentResult`` object corrected for symmetric readout error. """ corrected_expectation = result.expectation / calibration.expectation # combine standard errors (are we assuming the counts are the same?) assert result.std_err is not None and calibration.std_err is not None corrected_variance = ratio_variance( result.expectation, result.std_err**2, calibration.expectation, calibration.std_err**2 # type: ignore ) # recursively apply to additional results additional_results = None if result.additional_results is not None and calibration.additional_results: assert len(result.additional_results) == len(calibration.additional_results) additional_results = [ correct_experiment_result(r, c) for r, c in zip(result.additional_results, calibration.additional_results) ] return ExperimentResult( setting=result.setting, expectation=corrected_expectation, std_err=np.sqrt(corrected_variance).item(), total_counts=result.total_counts, raw_expectation=result.expectation, raw_std_err=result.std_err, calibration_expectation=calibration.expectation, calibration_std_err=calibration.std_err, calibration_counts=calibration.total_counts, additional_results=additional_results, )
[docs]def ratio_variance( a: Union[float, np.ndarray], var_a: Union[float, np.ndarray], b: Union[float, np.ndarray], var_b: Union[float, np.ndarray], ) -> Union[float, np.ndarray]: r""" Given random variables 'A' and 'B', compute the variance on the ratio Y = A/B. Denote the mean of the random variables as a = E[A] and b = E[B] while the variances are var_a = Var[A] and var_b = Var[B] and the covariance as Cov[A,B]. The following expression approximates the variance of Y Var[Y] \approx (a/b) ^2 * ( var_a /a^2 + var_b / b^2 - 2 * Cov[A,B]/(a*b) ) We assume the covariance of A and B is negligible, resting on the assumption that A and B are independently measured. The expression above rests on the assumption that B is non-zero, an assumption which we expect to hold true in most cases, but makes no such assumptions about A. If we allow E[A] = 0, then calculating the expression above via numpy would complain about dividing by zero. Instead, we can re-write the above expression as Var[Y] \approx var_a /b^2 + (a^2 * var_b) / b^4 where we have dropped the covariance term as noted above. See the following for more details: -<300::AID-CYTO8>3.0.CO;2-O - - :param a: Mean of 'A', to be used as the numerator in a ratio. :param var_a: Variance in 'A' :param b: Mean of 'B', to be used as the numerator in a ratio. :param var_b: Variance in 'B' """ return var_a / b**2 + (a**2 * var_b) / b**4