# Copyright 2018 Rigetti Computing
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Module for creating and verifying noisy gate and readout definitions."""
import sys
from collections import namedtuple
from collections.abc import Iterable, Sequence
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Optional, Union, cast
import numpy as np
from pyquil.external.rpcq import CompilerISA
from pyquil.gates import MEASURE, RX, I
from pyquil.noise_gates import _get_qvm_noise_supported_gates
from pyquil.quilatom import MemoryReference, ParameterDesignator, format_parameter
from pyquil.quilbase import Declare, Gate, Pragma
from pyquil.api import QuantumComputer as PyquilApiQuantumComputer
from pyquil.quil import Program
INFINITY = float("inf")
"Used for infinite coherence times."
_KrausModel = namedtuple("_KrausModel", ["gate", "params", "targets", "kraus_ops", "fidelity"])
class KrausModel(_KrausModel):
"""Encapsulate a single gate's noise model.
:ivar str gate: The name of the gate.
:ivar Sequence[float] params: Optional parameters for the gate.
:ivar Sequence[int] targets: The target qubit ids.
:ivar Sequence[np.array] kraus_ops: The Kraus operators (must be square complex numpy arrays).
:ivar float fidelity: The average gate fidelity associated with the Kraus map relative to the
ideal operation.
def unpack_kraus_matrix(m: Union[list[Any], np.ndarray]) -> np.ndarray:
"""Unpack a JSON compatible representation of a complex Kraus matrix.
:param m: The representation of a Kraus operator. Either a complex
square matrix (as numpy array or nested lists) or a JSON-able pair of real matrices
(as nested lists) representing the element-wise real and imaginary part of m.
:return: A complex square numpy array representing the Kraus operator.
matrix = np.asarray(m, dtype=complex)
if matrix.ndim == 3:
matrix = matrix[0] + 1j * matrix[1]
if not matrix.ndim == 2: # pragma no coverage
raise ValueError("Need 2d array.")
if not matrix.shape[0] == matrix.shape[1]: # pragma no coverage
raise ValueError("Need square matrix.")
return matrix
def to_dict(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Create a dictionary representation of a KrausModel.
For example::
"gate": "RX",
"params": np.pi,
"targets": [0],
"kraus_ops": [ # In this example single Kraus op = ideal RX(pi) gate
[0, 0], # element-wise real part of matrix
[0, 0],
[0, -1], # element-wise imaginary part of matrix
[-1, 0],
"fidelity": 1.0,
:return: A JSON compatible dictionary representation.
:rtype: dict[str,Any]
res = self._asdict()
res["kraus_ops"] = [[k.real.tolist(), k.imag.tolist()] for k in self.kraus_ops]
return res
def from_dict(d: dict[str, Any]) -> "KrausModel":
"""Recreate a KrausModel from the dictionary representation.
:param d: The dictionary representing the KrausModel. See `to_dict` for an
:return: The deserialized KrausModel.
kraus_ops = [KrausModel.unpack_kraus_matrix(k) for k in d["kraus_ops"]]
return KrausModel(d["gate"], d["params"], d["targets"], kraus_ops, d["fidelity"])
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
"""Return True if both KrausModels are equal."""
return isinstance(other, KrausModel) and self.to_dict() == other.to_dict()
_NoiseModel = namedtuple("_NoiseModel", ["gates", "assignment_probs"])
class NoiseModel(_NoiseModel):
"""Encapsulate the QPU noise model containing information about the noisy gates.
:ivar Sequence[KrausModel] gates: The tomographic estimates of all gates.
:ivar dict[int,np.array] assignment_probs: The single qubit readout assignment
probability matrices keyed by qubit id.
def to_dict(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Create a JSON serializable representation of the noise model.
For example::
"gates": [
# list of embedded dictionary representations of KrausModels here [...]
"assignment_probs": {
"0": [[.8, .1],
[.2, .9]],
"1": [[.9, .4],
[.1, .6]],
:return: A dictionary representation of self.
return {
"gates": [km.to_dict() for km in self.gates],
"assignment_probs": {str(qid): a.tolist() for qid, a in self.assignment_probs.items()},
def from_dict(d: dict[str, Any]) -> "NoiseModel":
"""Re-create the noise model from a dictionary representation.
:param d: The dictionary representation.
:return: The restored noise model.
return NoiseModel(
gates=[KrausModel.from_dict(t) for t in d["gates"]],
assignment_probs={int(qid): np.array(a) for qid, a in d["assignment_probs"].items()},
def gates_by_name(self, name: str) -> list[KrausModel]:
"""Return all defined noisy gates of a particular gate name.
:param str name: The gate name.
:return: A list of noise models representing that gate.
return [g for g in self.gates if g.gate == name]
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
"""Return True if NoiseModels are equal."""
return isinstance(other, NoiseModel) and self.to_dict() == other.to_dict()
def _check_kraus_ops(n: int, kraus_ops: Sequence[np.ndarray]) -> None:
"""Verify that the Kraus operators are of the correct shape and satisfy the correct normalization.
:param n: Number of qubits
:param kraus_ops: The Kraus operators as numpy.ndarrays.
for k in kraus_ops:
if not np.shape(k) == (2**n, 2**n):
raise ValueError(f"Kraus operators for {n} qubits must have shape {2**n}x{2**n}: {k}")
kdk_sum = sum(np.transpose(k).conjugate().dot(k) for k in kraus_ops)
if not np.allclose(kdk_sum, np.eye(2**n), atol=1e-3):
raise ValueError(f"Kraus operator not correctly normalized: sum_j K_j^*K_j == {kdk_sum}")
def _create_kraus_pragmas(name: str, qubit_indices: Sequence[int], kraus_ops: Sequence[np.ndarray]) -> list[Pragma]:
"""Generate the pragmas to define a Kraus map for a specific gate on some qubits.
:param name: The name of the gate.
:param qubit_indices: The qubits
:param kraus_ops: The Kraus operators as matrices.
:return: A QUIL string with PRAGMA ADD-KRAUS ... statements.
pragmas = [
(name,) + tuple(qubit_indices),
"({})".format(" ".join(map(format_parameter, np.ravel(k)))),
for k in kraus_ops
return pragmas
def append_kraus_to_gate(
kraus_ops: Sequence[np.ndarray], gate_matrix: np.ndarray
) -> list[Union[np.number, np.ndarray]]:
"""Follow a gate ``gate_matrix`` by a Kraus map described by ``kraus_ops``.
:param kraus_ops: The Kraus operators.
:param gate_matrix: The unitary gate.
:return: A list of transformed Kraus operators.
return [kj.dot(gate_matrix) for kj in kraus_ops]
def pauli_kraus_map(probabilities: Sequence[float]) -> list[np.ndarray]:
r"""Generate the Kraus operators corresponding to a pauli channel.
:params probabilities: The 4^num_qubits list of probabilities specifying the
desired pauli channel. There should be either 4 or 16 probabilities specified in the
order I, X, Y, Z for 1 qubit or II, IX, IY, IZ, XI, XX, XY, etc for 2 qubits.
For example::
The d-dimensional depolarizing channel \Delta parameterized as
\Delta(\rho) = p \rho + [(1-p)/d] I
is specified by the list of probabilities
[p + (1-p)/d, (1-p)/d, (1-p)/d), ... , (1-p)/d)]
:return: A list of the 4^num_qubits Kraus operators that parametrize the map.
if len(probabilities) not in [4, 16]:
raise ValueError(
"Currently we only support one or two qubits, "
"so the provided list of probabilities must have length 4 or 16."
if not np.allclose(sum(probabilities), 1.0, atol=1e-3):
raise ValueError("Probabilities must sum to one.")
paulis = [
np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0]]),
np.array([[0, -1j], [1j, 0]]),
np.array([[1, 0], [0, -1]]),
if len(probabilities) == 4:
operators = paulis
operators = np.kron(paulis, paulis) # type: ignore
return [coeff * op for coeff, op in zip(np.sqrt(probabilities), operators)]
def damping_kraus_map(p: float = 0.10) -> list[np.ndarray]:
"""Generate the Kraus operators corresponding to an amplitude damping noise channel.
:param p: The one-step damping probability.
:return: A list [k1, k2] of the Kraus operators that parametrize the map.
:rtype: list
damping_op = np.sqrt(p) * np.array([[0, 1], [0, 0]])
residual_kraus = np.diag([1, np.sqrt(1 - p)])
return [residual_kraus, damping_op]
def dephasing_kraus_map(p: float = 0.10) -> list[np.ndarray]:
"""Generate the Kraus operators corresponding to a dephasing channel.
:params float p: The one-step dephasing probability.
:return: A list [k1, k2] of the Kraus operators that parametrize the map.
:rtype: list
return [np.sqrt(1 - p) * np.eye(2), np.sqrt(p) * np.diag([1, -1])]
def tensor_kraus_maps(k1: list[np.ndarray], k2: list[np.ndarray]) -> list[np.ndarray]:
"""Generate the Kraus map corresponding to the composition of two maps on different qubits.
:param k1: The Kraus operators for the first qubit.
:param k2: The Kraus operators for the second qubit.
:return: A list of tensored Kraus operators.
return [np.kron(k1j, k2l) for k1j in k1 for k2l in k2]
def combine_kraus_maps(k1: list[np.ndarray], k2: list[np.ndarray]) -> list[np.ndarray]:
"""Generate the Kraus map for two composed maps, with k1 applied after k2 on the same qubits.
:param k1: The list of Kraus operators that are applied second.
:param k2: The list of Kraus operators that are applied first.
:return: A combinatorially generated list of composed Kraus operators.
return [np.dot(k1j, k2l) for k1j in k1 for k2l in k2]
def damping_after_dephasing(T1: float, T2: float, gate_time: float) -> list[np.ndarray]:
"""Generate the Kraus map for a dephasing channel followed by an amplitude damping channel.
:param T1: The amplitude damping time
:param T2: The dephasing time
:param gate_time: The gate duration.
:return: A list of Kraus operators.
if T1 < 0 or T2 < 0:
raise ValueError("T1 and T2 must be non-negative.")
if T1 != INFINITY:
damping = damping_kraus_map(p=1 - np.exp(-float(gate_time) / float(T1)))
damping = [np.eye(2)]
if T2 != INFINITY:
gamma_phi = float(gate_time) / float(T2)
if T1 != INFINITY:
if T2 > 2 * T1:
raise ValueError("T2 is upper bounded by 2 * T1")
gamma_phi -= float(gate_time) / float(2 * T1)
dephasing = dephasing_kraus_map(p=0.5 * (1 - np.exp(-gamma_phi)))
dephasing = [np.eye(2)]
return combine_kraus_maps(damping, dephasing)
# You can only apply gate-noise to non-parametrized gates or parametrized gates at fixed parameters.
class NoisyGateUndefined(Exception):
"""Raise when user attempts to use noisy gate outside of currently supported set."""
def get_noisy_gate(gate_name: str, params: Iterable[ParameterDesignator]) -> tuple[np.ndarray, str]:
"""Look up the numerical gate representation and a proposed 'noisy' name.
:param gate_name: The Quil gate name
:param params: The gate parameters.
:return: A tuple (matrix, noisy_name) with the representation of the ideal gate matrix
and a proposed name for the noisy version.
params = tuple(params)
if gate_name == "I":
if params != ():
raise ValueError(f"Identity gate does not take parameters: {params}")
return np.eye(2), "NOISY-I"
if gate_name == "RX":
(angle,) = params
if not isinstance(angle, (int, float, complex)):
raise TypeError(f"Cannot produce noisy gate for parameter of type {type(angle)}")
if np.isclose(angle, np.pi / 2, atol=ANGLE_TOLERANCE):
return np.array([[1, -1j], [-1j, 1]]) / np.sqrt(2), "NOISY-RX-PLUS-90"
elif np.isclose(angle, -np.pi / 2, atol=ANGLE_TOLERANCE):
return np.array([[1, 1j], [1j, 1]]) / np.sqrt(2), "NOISY-RX-MINUS-90"
elif np.isclose(angle, np.pi, atol=ANGLE_TOLERANCE):
return np.array([[0, -1j], [-1j, 0]]), "NOISY-RX-PLUS-180"
elif np.isclose(angle, -np.pi, atol=ANGLE_TOLERANCE):
return np.array([[0, 1j], [1j, 0]]), "NOISY-RX-MINUS-180"
elif gate_name == "CZ":
if params != ():
raise ValueError(f"CZ gate does not take parameters: {params}")
return np.diag([1, 1, 1, -1]), "NOISY-CZ"
raise NoisyGateUndefined(
f"Undefined gate and params: {gate_name}{params}\n" "Please restrict yourself to I, RX(+/-pi), RX(+/-pi/2), CZ"
def _get_program_gates(prog: "Program") -> list[Gate]:
"""Get all gate applications appearing in prog.
:param prog: The program
:return: A list of all Gates in prog (without duplicates).
return sorted({i for i in prog if isinstance(i, Gate)}, key=lambda g: g.out())
def _decoherence_noise_model(
gates: Sequence[Gate],
T1: Union[dict[int, float], float] = 30e-6,
T2: Union[dict[int, float], float] = 30e-6,
gate_time_1q: float = 50e-9,
gate_time_2q: float = 150e-09,
ro_fidelity: Union[dict[int, float], float] = 0.95,
) -> NoiseModel:
"""Return default noise model.
- T1 = 30 us
- T2 = 30 us
- 1q gate time = 50 ns
- 2q gate time = 150 ns
are currently typical for near-term devices.
This function will define new gates and add Kraus noise to these gates. It will translate
the input program to use the noisy version of the gates.
:param gates: The gates to provide the noise model for.
:param T1: The T1 amplitude damping time either globally or in a
dictionary indexed by qubit id. By default, this is 30 us.
:param T2: The T2 dephasing time either globally or in a
dictionary indexed by qubit id. By default, this is also 30 us.
:param gate_time_1q: The duration of the one-qubit gates, namely RX(+pi/2) and RX(-pi/2).
By default, this is 50 ns.
:param gate_time_2q: The duration of the two-qubit gates, namely CZ.
By default, this is 150 ns.
:param ro_fidelity: The readout assignment fidelity
:math:`F = (p(0|0) + p(1|1))/2` either globally or in a dictionary indexed by qubit id.
:return: A NoiseModel with the appropriate Kraus operators defined.
all_qubits = set(sum((g.get_qubit_indices() for g in gates), []))
if isinstance(T1, dict):
if isinstance(T2, dict):
if isinstance(ro_fidelity, dict):
if not isinstance(T1, dict):
T1 = {q: T1 for q in all_qubits}
if not isinstance(T2, dict):
T2 = {q: T2 for q in all_qubits}
if not isinstance(ro_fidelity, dict):
ro_fidelity = {q: ro_fidelity for q in all_qubits}
noisy_identities_1q = {
q: damping_after_dephasing(T1.get(q, INFINITY), T2.get(q, INFINITY), gate_time_1q) for q in all_qubits
noisy_identities_2q = {
q: damping_after_dephasing(T1.get(q, INFINITY), T2.get(q, INFINITY), gate_time_2q) for q in all_qubits
kraus_maps = []
for g in gates:
targets = tuple(g.get_qubit_indices())
if g.name in NO_NOISE:
matrix, _ = get_noisy_gate(g.name, g.params)
if len(targets) == 1:
noisy_I = noisy_identities_1q[targets[0]]
if len(targets) != 2:
raise ValueError("Noisy gates on more than 2Q not currently supported")
# note this ordering of the tensor factors is necessary due to how the QVM orders
# the wavefunction basis
noisy_I = tensor_kraus_maps(noisy_identities_2q[targets[1]], noisy_identities_2q[targets[0]])
combine_kraus_maps(noisy_I, [matrix]),
# FIXME (Nik): compute actual avg gate fidelity for this simple
# noise model
aprobs = {}
for q, f_ro in ro_fidelity.items():
aprobs[q] = np.array([[f_ro, 1.0 - f_ro], [1.0 - f_ro, f_ro]])
return NoiseModel(kraus_maps, aprobs)
def decoherence_noise_with_asymmetric_ro(isa: CompilerISA, p00: float = 0.975, p11: float = 0.911) -> NoiseModel:
"""Similar to :py:func:`_decoherence_noise_model`, but with asymmetric readout.
For simplicity, we use the default values for T1, T2, gate times, et al. and only allow
the specification of readout fidelities.
gates = _get_qvm_noise_supported_gates(isa)
noise_model = _decoherence_noise_model(gates)
aprobs = np.array([[p00, 1 - p00], [1 - p11, p11]])
aprobs = {q: aprobs for q in noise_model.assignment_probs.keys()}
return NoiseModel(noise_model.gates, aprobs)
def _noise_model_program_header(noise_model: NoiseModel) -> "Program":
"""Generate the header for a pyquil Program that uses ``noise_model`` to overload noisy gates.
The program header consists of 3 sections:
- The ``DEFGATE`` statements that define the meaning of the newly introduced "noisy" gate
- The ``PRAGMA ADD-KRAUS`` statements to overload these noisy gates on specific qubit
targets with their noisy implementation.
- THe ``PRAGMA READOUT-POVM`` statements that define the noisy readout per qubit.
:param noise_model: The assumed noise model.
:return: A quil Program with the noise pragmas.
from pyquil.quil import Program
p = Program()
defgates: set[str] = set()
for k in noise_model.gates:
# obtain ideal gate matrix and new, noisy name by looking it up in the NOISY_GATES dict
ideal_gate, new_name = get_noisy_gate(k.gate, tuple(k.params))
# if ideal version of gate has not yet been DEFGATE'd, do this
if new_name not in defgates:
p.defgate(new_name, ideal_gate)
except NoisyGateUndefined:
f"WARNING: Could not find ideal gate definition for gate {k.gate}",
new_name = k.gate
# define noisy version of gate on specific targets
p.define_noisy_gate(new_name, k.targets, k.kraus_ops)
# define noisy readouts
for q, ap in noise_model.assignment_probs.items():
p.define_noisy_readout(q, p00=ap[0, 0], p11=ap[1, 1])
return p
def apply_noise_model(prog: "Program", noise_model: NoiseModel) -> "Program":
"""Apply a noise model to a program and generated a 'noisy-fied' version of the program.
:param prog: A Quil Program object.
:param noise_model: A NoiseModel, either generated from an ISA or
from a simple decoherence model.
:return: A new program translated to a noisy gateset and with noisy readout as described by the
new_prog = _noise_model_program_header(noise_model)
for i in prog:
if isinstance(i, Gate) and noise_model.gates:
_, new_name = get_noisy_gate(i.name, tuple(i.params))
new_prog += Gate(new_name, [], i.qubits)
except NoisyGateUndefined:
new_prog += i
new_prog += i
return prog.copy_everything_except_instructions() + new_prog
def add_decoherence_noise(
prog: "Program",
T1: Union[dict[int, float], float] = 30e-6,
T2: Union[dict[int, float], float] = 30e-6,
gate_time_1q: float = 50e-9,
gate_time_2q: float = 150e-09,
ro_fidelity: Union[dict[int, float], float] = 0.95,
) -> "Program":
"""Add generic damping and dephasing noise to a program.
This high-level function is provided as a convenience to investigate the effects of a
generic noise model on a program. For more fine-grained control, please investigate
the other methods available in the ``pyquil.noise`` module.
In an attempt to closely model the QPU, noisy versions of RX(+-pi/2) and CZ are provided;
I and parametric RZ are noiseless, and other gates are not allowed. To use this function,
you need to compile your program to this native gate set.
The default noise parameters
- T1 = 30 us
- T2 = 30 us
- 1q gate time = 50 ns
- 2q gate time = 150 ns
are currently typical for near-term devices.
This function will define new gates and add Kraus noise to these gates. It will translate
the input program to use the noisy version of the gates.
:param prog: A pyquil program consisting of I, RZ, CZ, and RX(+-pi/2) instructions
:param T1: The T1 amplitude damping time either globally or in a
dictionary indexed by qubit id. By default, this is 30 us.
:param T2: The T2 dephasing time either globally or in a
dictionary indexed by qubit id. By default, this is also 30 us.
:param gate_time_1q: The duration of the one-qubit gates, namely RX(+pi/2) and RX(-pi/2).
By default, this is 50 ns.
:param gate_time_2q: The duration of the two-qubit gates, namely CZ.
By default, this is 150 ns.
:param ro_fidelity: The readout assignment fidelity
:math:`F = (p(0|0) + p(1|1))/2` either globally or in a dictionary indexed by qubit id.
:return: A new program with noisy operators.
gates = _get_program_gates(prog)
noise_model = _decoherence_noise_model(
return apply_noise_model(prog, noise_model)
def _bitstring_probs_by_qubit(p: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Ensure array p has a separate axis for each qubit so ``p[i,j,...,k]`` gives the probability of bitstring ``ij...k``.
This should not allocate much memory if ``p`` is already in ``C``-contiguous order (row-major).
:param p: An array that enumerates bitstring probabilities. When flattened out
``p = [p_00...0, p_00...1, ...,p_11...1]``. The total number of elements must therefore be a
power of 2.
:return: A reshaped view of ``p`` with a separate length-2 axis for each bit.
p = np.asarray(p, order="C")
num_qubits = int(round(np.log2(p.size)))
return p.reshape((2,) * num_qubits)
def estimate_bitstring_probs(results: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Given an array of single shot results estimate the probability distribution over all bitstrings.
:param results: A 2d array where the outer axis iterates over shots
and the inner axis over bits.
:return: An array with as many axes as there are qubit and normalized such that it sums to one.
``p[i,j,...,k]`` gives the estimated probability of bitstring ``ij...k``.
nshots, nq = np.shape(results)
outcomes = np.array([int("".join(map(str, r)), 2) for r in results])
probs = np.histogram(outcomes, bins=np.arange(-0.5, 2**nq, 1))[0] / float(nshots)
return _bitstring_probs_by_qubit(probs)
_CHARS = "klmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefgh0123456789"
def _apply_local_transforms(p: np.ndarray, ts: Iterable[np.ndarray]) -> np.ndarray:
"""Apply local 2x2 matrices to each index in a 2D array of single shot results using assignment probability matrices.
Given a 2d array of single shot results (outer axis iterates over shots, inner axis over bits)
and a list of assignment probability matrices (one for each bit in the readout, ordered like
the inner axis of results) apply local 2x2 matrices to each bit index.
:param p: An array that enumerates a function indexed by
f(ijk...) = p[i,j,k,...]
:param ts: A sequence of 2x2 transform-matrices, one for each bit.
:return: ``p_transformed`` an array with as many dimensions as there are bits with the result of
contracting p along each axis by the corresponding bit transformation::
p_transformed[ijk...] = f'(ijk...) = sum_lmn... ts[0][il] ts[1][jm] ts[2][kn] f(lmn...)
p_corrected = _bitstring_probs_by_qubit(p)
nq = p_corrected.ndim
for idx, trafo_idx in enumerate(ts):
# this contraction pattern looks like
# 'ij,abcd...jklm...->abcd...iklm...' so it properly applies a "local"
# transformation to a single tensor-index without changing the order of
# indices
einsum_pat = (
"ij," + _CHARS[:idx] + "j" + _CHARS[idx : nq - 1] + "->" + _CHARS[:idx] + "i" + _CHARS[idx : nq - 1]
p_corrected = np.einsum(einsum_pat, trafo_idx, p_corrected)
return p_corrected
def corrupt_bitstring_probs(p: np.ndarray, assignment_probabilities: list[np.ndarray]) -> np.ndarray:
"""Given a 2D array of bitstring probabilities and assignment matrices, compute the corrupted probabilities.
Given a 2d array of true bitstring probabilities (outer axis iterates over shots, inner axis
over bits) and a list of assignment probability matrices (one for each bit in the readout,
ordered like the inner axis of results) compute the corrupted probabilities.
:param p: An array that enumerates bitstring probabilities. When
flattened out ``p = [p_00...0, p_00...1, ...,p_11...1]``. The total number of elements must
therefore be a power of 2. The canonical shape has a separate axis for each qubit, such that
``p[i,j,...,k]`` gives the estimated probability of bitstring ``ij...k``.
:param assignment_probabilities: A list of assignment probability matrices
per qubit. Each assignment probability matrix is expected to be of the form::
[[p00 p01]
[p10 p11]]
:return: ``p_corrected`` an array with as many dimensions as there are qubits that contains
the noisy-readout-corrected estimated probabilities for each measured bitstring, i.e.,
``p[i,j,...,k]`` gives the estimated probability of bitstring ``ij...k``.
return _apply_local_transforms(p, assignment_probabilities)
def correct_bitstring_probs(p: np.ndarray, assignment_probabilities: list[np.ndarray]) -> np.ndarray:
"""Given a 2D array of corrupted bitstring probabilities and assignment matrices, compute the corrected probabilities.
Given a 2d array of corrupted bitstring probabilities (outer axis iterates over shots, inner
axis over bits) and a list of assignment probability matrices (one for each bit in the readout)
compute the corrected probabilities.
:param p: An array that enumerates bitstring probabilities. When
flattened out ``p = [p_00...0, p_00...1, ...,p_11...1]``. The total number of elements must
therefore be a power of 2. The canonical shape has a separate axis for each qubit, such that
``p[i,j,...,k]`` gives the estimated probability of bitstring ``ij...k``.
:param assignment_probabilities: A list of assignment probability matrices
per qubit. Each assignment probability matrix is expected to be of the form::
[[p00 p01]
[p10 p11]]
:return: ``p_corrected`` an array with as many dimensions as there are qubits that contains
the noisy-readout-corrected estimated probabilities for each measured bitstring, i.e.,
``p[i,j,...,k]`` gives the estimated probability of bitstring ``ij...k``.
return _apply_local_transforms(p, (np.linalg.inv(ap) for ap in assignment_probabilities))
def bitstring_probs_to_z_moments(p: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Convert between bitstring probabilities and joint Z moment expectations.
:param p: An array that enumerates bitstring probabilities. When
flattened out ``p = [p_00...0, p_00...1, ...,p_11...1]``. The total number of elements must
therefore be a power of 2. The canonical shape has a separate axis for each qubit, such that
``p[i,j,...,k]`` gives the estimated probability of bitstring ``ij...k``.
:return: ``z_moments``, an np.array with one length-2 axis per qubit which contains the
expectations of all monomials in ``{I, Z_0, Z_1, ..., Z_{n-1}}``. The expectations of each
monomial can be accessed via::
<Z_0^j_0 Z_1^j_1 ... Z_m^j_m> = z_moments[j_0,j_1,...,j_m]
zmat = np.array([[1, 1], [1, -1]])
return _apply_local_transforms(p, (zmat for _ in range(p.ndim)))
def estimate_assignment_probs(
q: int,
trials: int,
qc: "PyquilApiQuantumComputer",
p0: Optional["Program"] = None,
) -> np.ndarray:
"""Estimate the readout assignment probabilities for a given qubit ``q``.
The returned matrix is of the form::
[[p00 p01]
[p10 p11]]
:param q: The index of the qubit.
:param trials: The number of samples for each state preparation.
:param qc: The quantum computer to sample from.
:param p0: A header program to prepend to the state preparation programs. Will not be compiled by quilc, so it must
be native Quil.
:return: The assignment probability matrix
from pyquil.quil import Program
if p0 is None: # pragma no coverage
p0 = Program()
p_i = (
+ Program(
Declare("ro", "BIT", 1),
MEASURE(q, MemoryReference("ro", 0)),
results_i = np.sum(_run(qc, p_i))
p_x = (
+ Program(
Declare("ro", "BIT", 1),
RX(np.pi, q),
MEASURE(q, MemoryReference("ro", 0)),
results_x = np.sum(_run(qc, p_x))
p00 = 1.0 - results_i / float(trials)
p11 = results_x / float(trials)
return np.array([[p00, 1 - p11], [1 - p00, p11]])
def _run(qc: "PyquilApiQuantumComputer", program: "Program") -> list[list[int]]:
result = qc.run(qc.compiler.native_quil_to_executable(program))
bitstrings = result.readout_data.get("ro")
if bitstrings is None:
raise ValueError("No readout data found in result.")
return cast(list[list[int]], bitstrings.tolist())