Accessing raw measurement data with RAW-CAPTURE¶
In this we are going to show how to access “raw” measurement data with Quilt.
from pyquil import Program, get_qc
qc = get_qc('Aspen-M-3')
cals = qc.compiler.get_calibration_program()
Peeking at a MEASURE calibration¶
We first take a peek at how a measurement operation is specified. We can do this by looking at the corresponding calibration. Below we consider the calibration for MEASURE 0
from pyquil.quilatom import Qubit, Frame
from pyquil.quilbase import Pulse, Capture, DefMeasureCalibration
qubit = Qubit(0)
measure_defn = cals.measure_calibrations[0]
DECLARE q0_unclassified REAL[2]
PULSE 0 "rf_f12" drag_gaussian(alpha: -1.394451807996698, anh: -190000000, detuning: 0, duration: 4e-8, fwhm: 1e-8, phase: 0, scale: 0.28637132443339525, t0: 2e-8)
NONBLOCKING PULSE 0 "ro_tx" flat(detuning: 0, duration: 2.08e-6, iq: 1, phase: 0, scale: 0.158489319246111)
NONBLOCKING CAPTURE 0 "ro_rx" boxcar_kernel(detuning: 0, duration: 2.08e-6, phase: -0.12799541944924012, scale: 1) q0_unclassified[0]
PRAGMA FILTER-NODE q0_unclassified "{'module':'','filter_type':'DataBuffer','source':'q0_ro_rx/filter','publish':true,'params':{},'_type':'FilterNode'}"
PRAGMA LOAD-MEMORY q0_unclassified "q0_unclassified[0]"
PRAGMA FILTER-NODE q0_classified "{'module':'lodgepole.filters.classifiers','filter_type':'SingleQLinear','source':'q0_ro_rx/filter','publish':false,'params':{'a':[1.0,0.0],'threshold':0.00044068585795624876},'_type':'FilterNode'}"
PRAGMA FILTER-NODE q0 "{'module':'','filter_type':'DataBuffer','source':'q0_classified','publish':true,'params':{},'_type':'FilterNode'}"
PULSE 0 "rf_f12" drag_gaussian(alpha: -1.394451807996698, anh: -190000000, detuning: 0, duration: 4e-8, fwhm: 1e-8, phase: 0, scale: 0.28637132443339525, t0: 2e-8)
There are a few things note about the above:
The basic structure of
MEASURE 0 addr
is to apply a pulse on the"ro_tx"
frame, and then perform a capture on the corresponding"ro_rx"
frame.Although the user may perform
, the memory location required for this is a bit. Under the hood,CAPTURE
writes a complex IQ value to theREAL[2]
.The wrangling in order to map from
is controlled throughPRAGMA
operations. These are important for downstream processing and execution of the Quil program. Tamper with them at your own risk!
RAW-CAPTURE experiments¶
The value stored in q0_unclassified
has already been processed on hardware: in particular, it is produced by demodulating a passband signal and then integrating against the CAPTURE
waveform. What RAW-CAPTURE
does is give you, the user, access to the raw values of that passband signal. In the following, execute programs with RAW-CAPTURE
, and plot their results.
Before we begin, it will be useful to get some data associated with the above MEASURE
calibration. In particular, the PULSE
operations, as well as the frame definition for 0 "ro_rx"
pulse = next(i for i in measure_defn.instrs if isinstance(i, Pulse))
print(pulse, "\n")
capture = next(i for i in measure_defn.instrs if isinstance(i, Capture))
print(capture, "\n")
frame = Frame([qubit], "ro_rx")
frame_defn = cals.frames[frame]
PULSE 0 "rf_f12" drag_gaussian(alpha: -1.394451807996698, anh: -190000000, detuning: 0, duration: 4e-8, fwhm: 1e-8, phase: 0, scale: 0.28637132443339525, t0: 2e-8)
NONBLOCKING CAPTURE 0 "ro_rx" boxcar_kernel(detuning: 0, duration: 2.08e-6, phase: -0.12799541944924012, scale: 1) q0_unclassified[0]
DEFFRAME 0 "ro_rx":
SAMPLE-RATE: 2000000000
INITIAL-FREQUENCY: 7359200001.83969
An almost-trivial example¶
First, let’s just run a RAW-CAPTURE
instruction. We will apply this to the above CAPTURE
frame, i.e. 0 "ro_rx"
, and for the same duration the CAPTURE
. The principal difference is that rather than read-out to a memory region of length 2, we will need many more. It is easy to compute the size \(n\) of the output, namely \begin{equation}
n = \left \lceil{t \cdot f_s}\right \rceil ,
\end{equation} where \(t\) is the duration in seconds, \(f_s\) is the sample rate in Hz (which is part of the frame definition), and $ \left `:nbsphinx-math:lceil x :nbsphinx-math:right :nbsphinx-math:rceil $ denotes the smallest integer not less than :math:`x.
from math import ceil
duration = capture.kernel.duration
sample_rate = frame_defn.sample_rate
memory_length = ceil(duration * sample_rate)
num_shots = 1000
raw_capture_no_pulse = Program(
f'DECLARE raw REAL[{memory_length}]',
f'RAW-CAPTURE {frame} {duration} raw'
DECLARE raw REAL[4160]
RAW-CAPTURE 0 "ro_rx" 2.08e-6 raw[0]
exe = qc.compiler.native_quil_to_executable(raw_capture_no_pulse)
results =
measurements are returned in a flat array, so we need to reshape our results.
shape = (num_shots, -1)
raw_results_no_pulse = results["raw"].reshape((num_shots, memory_length))
Raw capture results are by default represented as integers in the interval \([-2^{15}, 2^{15}]\). For many analyses you may prefer to normalize to the range \([-1,1]\).
print("shape", raw_results_no_pulse.shape)
print("data", raw_results_no_pulse)
shape (1000, 4160)
data [[ -156 464 -484 ... -720 -36 -80]
[ -276 -72 -772 ... -160 -60 -184]
[ 292 700 -104 ... 168 -952 200]
[ -728 508 -268 ... 368 748 -188]
[ -116 496 40 ... -1128 -404 340]
[ -204 -292 -12 ... 940 260 -824]]
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.gcf().set_size_inches(20.5, 10.5)
plt.plot(np.arange(len(raw_results_no_pulse[0,:]))/sample_rate, raw_results_no_pulse[0,:])
avg_results_no_pulse = raw_results_no_pulse.mean(axis=0) / (2**15)
plt.psd(avg_results_no_pulse, Fs=sample_rate)
Applying a PULSE
Recall how measurements are usually done: first there is a pulse on the "ro_tx"
frame, and then a capture on the "ro_rx"
frame. We modify our above program by including the PULSE
operation associated with the vanilla measurement.
raw_capture_pulse = Program(
f'DECLARE raw REAL[{memory_length}]',
f'RAW-CAPTURE {frame} {duration} raw'
DECLARE raw REAL[4160]
PULSE 0 "rf_f12" drag_gaussian(alpha: -1.394451807996698, anh: -190000000, detuning: 0, duration: 4e-8, fwhm: 1e-8, phase: 0, scale: 0.28637132443339525, t0: 2e-8)
RAW-CAPTURE 0 "ro_rx" 2.08e-6 raw[0]
exe = qc.compiler.native_quil_to_executable(raw_capture_pulse)
results =
raw_results_pulse = results["raw"].reshape(shape)
avg_results_pulse = raw_results_pulse.mean(axis=0) / 2**15
plt.psd(avg_results_pulse, Fs=sample_rate)
Capturing an excited qubit¶
Finally, we extend the above by first exciting the qubit, by applying a RX(pi)
raw_capture_excited = Program(
f'DECLARE raw REAL[{memory_length}]',
f'RX(pi) {qubit}',
f'RAW-CAPTURE {frame} {duration} raw'
DECLARE raw REAL[4160]
RX(pi) 0
PULSE 0 "rf_f12" drag_gaussian(alpha: -1.394451807996698, anh: -190000000, detuning: 0, duration: 4e-8, fwhm: 1e-8, phase: 0, scale: 0.28637132443339525, t0: 2e-8)
RAW-CAPTURE 0 "ro_rx" 2.08e-6 raw[0]
exe = qc.compiler.native_quil_to_executable(raw_capture_excited)
results =
raw_results_excited = results["raw"].reshape(shape)
avg_results_excited = raw_results_excited.mean(axis=0) / 2**15
plt.psd(avg_results_excited, Fs=sample_rate)
Some Restrictions May Apply¶
Performing a RAW-CAPTURE
operation places a number of demands on the underlying hardware, and thus comes with a few constraints. We demonstrate these here.
Capture duration exceeds maximum length¶
operation can capture at most 8192 samples per shot, which puts a limit of \(\frac{8192}{f_s}\) seconds for the duration, where \(f_s\) is the frame’s sample rate.
duration = 5e-6
samples = ceil(sample_rate*duration)
rrr = Program(
f'DECLARE raw REAL[{samples}]',
f'RAW-CAPTURE 0 "ro_rx" {duration} raw'
exe = qc.compiler.native_quil_to_executable(rrr)
except Exception as e:
Could not translate quil: Call failed during gRPC request: status: InvalidArgument, message: "RAW-CAPTURE 0 \"ro_rx\" 5e-06 raw[0] would require 10000 samples, butat most 8192 are allowed. Consider using a duration of < 4.096e-06 seconds.", details: [], metadata: MetadataMap { headers: {"server": "awselb/2.0", "date": "Fri, 15 Sep 2023 19:18:38 GMT", "content-type": "application/grpc", "content-length": "0", "x-request-id": "5fbba182-ec44-42f4-98e2-dfb66579855e"} }
Number of samples in a job exceeds maximum¶
There is a total limit of \(2^{24}\) samples per job, i.e. duration * sample_rate * num_shots
cannot exceed \(2^24\).
duration = 1e-06
samples = ceil(sample_rate*duration)
rrr = Program(
f'DECLARE raw REAL[{samples}]',
f'RAW-CAPTURE 0 "ro_rx" {duration} raw'
exe = qc.compiler.native_quil_to_executable(rrr)
except Exception as e:
Could not translate quil: Call failed during gRPC request: status: InvalidArgument, message: "RAW-CAPTURE would require DMA buffer of size 381.4697265625 MB but the maximum allowed is 32.0 MB.\nFor duration 1e-06 seconds this places a limit of at most 8388 shots.", details: [], metadata: MetadataMap { headers: {"server": "awselb/2.0", "date": "Fri, 15 Sep 2023 19:18:40 GMT", "content-type": "application/grpc", "content-length": "0", "x-request-id": "a2f6b074-a4e5-4860-bfbb-182f41d6cb48"} }
precludes the use of other capture operations¶
Due to the hardware requirements associated with RAW-CAPTURE
, the following limits are currently imposed:
there can be at most one
operation per program, andif a program includes
, then it cannot also includeCAPTURE
duration = 1e-06
samples = ceil(sample_rate*duration)
rrr = Program(
f'DECLARE raw REAL[{samples}]',
'MEASURE 1 ro',
f'RAW-CAPTURE 0 "ro_rx" {duration} raw'
exe = qc.compiler.native_quil_to_executable(rrr)
except Exception as e:
Could not translate quil: Call failed during gRPC request: status: InvalidArgument, message: "Capture conflict: RAW-CAPTURE 0 \"ro_rx\" 1e-06 raw[0] precludes the presence of any other capture instructions, but NONBLOCKING CAPTURE 1 \"ro_rx\" boxcar_kernel(duration: 1.52e-06, scale: 1.0, phase: 1.4934349033969623, detuning: 0.0) q1_unclassified[0] was observed.", details: [], metadata: MetadataMap { headers: {"server": "awselb/2.0", "date": "Fri, 15 Sep 2023 19:18:42 GMT", "content-type": "application/grpc", "content-length": "0", "x-request-id": "a0875784-b6b9-4b97-8c04-39cffd3ec53c"} }