Source code for pyquil.quantum_processor.compiler

"""An implementation of an AbstractQuantumProcessor initialized with a user constructed ``CompilerISA``."""

import networkx as nx

from pyquil.external.rpcq import CompilerISA
from pyquil.quantum_processor._base import AbstractQuantumProcessor
from pyquil.quantum_processor.transformers import compiler_isa_to_graph

[docs] class CompilerQuantumProcessor(AbstractQuantumProcessor): """An AbstractQuantumProcessor initialized with a user constructed ``CompilerISA``.""" _isa: CompilerISA def __init__(self, isa: CompilerISA) -> None: """Initialize a CompilerQuantumProcessor with a given ``CompilerISA``.""" self._isa = isa
[docs] def qubit_topology(self) -> nx.Graph: """Return a NetworkX graph that represents the connectivity of qubits in this quantum_processor.""" return compiler_isa_to_graph(self._isa)
[docs] def to_compiler_isa(self) -> CompilerISA: """Return the CompilerISA that this quantum_processor is initialized with.""" return self._isa
[docs] def qubits(self) -> list[int]: """Return the qubits in the quantum_processor topology as a sorted list.""" return sorted([int(node_id) for node_id, node in self._isa.qubits.items()])