pyquil.latex package

Generate LaTeX diagrams from a Program.

class pyquil.latex.DiagramSettings(texify_numerical_constants: bool = True, impute_missing_qubits: bool = False, label_qubit_lines: bool = True, abbreviate_controlled_rotations: bool = False, qubit_line_open_wire_length: int = 1, right_align_terminal_measurements: bool = True)[source]

Bases: object

Settings to control the layout and rendering of circuits.

abbreviate_controlled_rotations: bool = False

Write controlled rotations in a compact form.

For example, RX(pi) as X_{pi}, instead of the longer R_X(pi)

impute_missing_qubits: bool = False

Include qubits with indices between those explicitly referenced in the Quil program.

For example, if true, the diagram for CNOT 0 2 would have three qubit lines: 0, 1, 2.

label_qubit_lines: bool = True

Label qubit lines.

qubit_line_open_wire_length: int = 1

The length by which qubit lines should be extended with open wires at the right of the diagram.

The default of 1 is the natural choice. The main reason for including this option is that it may be appropriate for this to be 0 in subdiagrams.

right_align_terminal_measurements: bool = True

Align measurement operations which appear at the end of the program.

texify_numerical_constants: bool = True

Convert numerical constants, such as pi, to LaTeX form.

pyquil.latex.display(circuit: Program, settings: DiagramSettings | None = None, **image_options: Any) Image[source]

Display a PyQuil circuit as an IPython image object.


For this to work, you need two external programs, pdflatex and convert, to be installed and accessible via your shell path.

Further, your LaTeX installation should include class and style files for standalone, geometry, tikz, and quantikz. If it does not, you need to install these yourself.

  • circuit – The circuit to be drawn, represented as a pyquil program.

  • settings – An optional object of settings controlling diagram rendering and layout.


PNG image render of the circuit.

pyquil.latex.to_latex(circuit: Program, settings: DiagramSettings | None = None) str[source]

Translate a given pyQuil Program to a TikZ picture in a LaTeX document.

Here are some high points of the generation procedure (see pyquil/latex/

  • The most basic building block are the TikZ operators, which are constructed by the functions in (e.g. TIKZ_CONTROL, TIKZ_NOP, TIKZ_MEASURE).

  • TikZ operators are maintained by a DiagramState object, with roughly each qubit line in a diagram represented as a list of TikZ operators on the DiagramState.

  • The DiagramBuilder is the actual driver. This traverses a Program and, for each instruction, performs a suitable manipulation of the DiagramState. At the end of this, the DiagramState is traversed and raw LaTeX is emitted.

  • Most options are specified by DiagramSettings. One exception is this: it is possible to request that a certain subset of the program is rendered as a group (and colored as such). This is specified by a new pragma in the Program source:


    The <name> is optional, and will be used to label the group. Nested gate groups are currently not supported.

  • circuit – The circuit to be drawn, represented as a pyquil program.

  • settings – An optional object of settings controlling diagram rendering and layout.


LaTeX document string which can be compiled.
