pyquil.quantum_processor.qcs module

An implementation of AbstractQuantumProcessor based on an InstructionSetArchitecture returned from the QCS API.

class pyquil.quantum_processor.qcs.QCSQuantumProcessor(quantum_processor_id: str, isa: InstructionSetArchitecture, noise_model: NoiseModel | None = None)[source]

Bases: AbstractQuantumProcessor

An AbstractQuantumProcessor initialized with an InstructionSetArchitecture returned from the QCS API.

Notably, this class is able to serialize a CompilerISA based on the architecture instructions.

Initialize a new QCSQuantumProcessor.

  • quantum_processor_id – The id of the quantum processor.

  • isa – The QCS API InstructionSetArchitecture.

  • noise_model – An optional NoiseModel for configuring a noisy quantum_processor on the QVM.

noise_model: NoiseModel | None
quantum_processor_id: str
qubit_topology() Graph[source]

Return the qubit topology as a NetworkX graph.

qubits() list[int][source]

Return the qubits in the quantum_processor topology.

to_compiler_isa() CompilerISA[source]

Return a CompilerISA representation of the quantum_processor’s InstructionSetArchitecture.

pyquil.quantum_processor.qcs.get_qcs_quantum_processor(quantum_processor_id: str, client_configuration: QCSClient | None = None, timeout: float = 10.0) QCSQuantumProcessor[source]

Retrieve an instruction set architecture for the specified QPU ID and initialize a QCSQuantumProcessor with it.

  • quantum_processor_id – QCS ID for the quantum processor.

  • timeout – Time limit for request, in seconds.

  • client_configuration – Optional client configuration. If none is provided, a default one will be loaded.


A QCSQuantumProcessor with the requested ISA.